Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A practical guide to information systems - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Examine about the A viable manual for data frameworks. Answer: Presentation Data framework and computerized techniques can assume a significant job in various degrees of business activities. The data framework methodologies alludes to various techniques which can react to the business condition changes by giving data to various exercises and guaranteeing that there is data framework for all the exercises of the association (Arvidsson, Holmstrm Lyytinen, 2014). The effective execution of data framework can expand the upper hand of the firm, improve effectiveness, decline botch and lessen pointless expense to the association. In the current period, with consistent changes in the inside and the outside business condition, business may discover troubles in adjusting the business and data framework methodologies. The current report analyzes the item, administrations, and the data framework foundation of the Coles. It proposes system to adjust its Information Technology framework with its business methodology. Coles is the second biggest store in Australia. The or ganization has embraced advancements to expand its efficiencies in activities. ID and Discussion of Companys Structure, Products and Services Coles, one of the biggest Australian open retail association works from its administrative center at Melbourne. The organization was gained by Wesfarmers in 2007, and it is the second biggest store of Australia. The organization sells retail items to the clients at a low or rebate cost. As the organization sells the items requiring little to no effort, its essential capacities are related with the refrigeration, lighting, and the outflow control. The organization has been fruitful in controlling the discharge by embracing a scope of vitality sparing activities. At present, from the previous not many years, the benefits of the association are not according to the desires. Thus, the organization is taking a few in vital activities to build its upper hand. Coles association was established in 2007 when the retail locations were procured by the Coles GRop. It gives new vegetables, food, general merchandize, alcohol, fuel, and money related administrations. The organization serves 21 million clients with the assistance of its online stage and chain of retail locations. It has a group of 102,000 representatives and has in excess of 2400 retail locations spread all through Australia and New Zealand. Coles is national grocery store specialist co-op, which has 780 markets spread over the globe. Coles has a rich history in Australia and expects to give various individuals of Australia solid items and present a shop where they can trust, convey high caliber and high worth items and administrations to the clients. In the ongoing occasions, it has opened an online market store where the clients can sign in at some random time and request food and staple things, which they require. The food and conveyance orders are conveyed by the online drivers to the chose areas. Coles was obtained by Wesfarmers in 2007 and under the authority, the organization changed its IT foundation and embraced new innovation. The organization has purchased a few innovation changes in its activities. The association has executed specialized changes by actualizing distributed computing innovation in the association. There are a few reserve funds in the utilization of outer cloud condition for test and preparing exercises. Large information can convey business efficiencies and increment client commitment inside the association. The organization is utilizing huge information to pick up shopper understanding from the unstructured information. The association has put resources into expanding the revealing abilities with the goal that the head supervisors can take quality choices. The local senior supervisors and pioneers will have drillable reports, dashboards, and iPads through which they can get to various kinds of data. The innovation can be utilized in nimble innovation to organize the work inside a gathering of partners so as well as can be expected be given inside a restricted degree and course of events, which can give best results (Reich, Benbasat, 2013). The IT framework can bring about ongoing network, which can expand the proficiency and speed of the dynamic procedure. Ongoing network is likewise fundamental in expanding the portability of the items inside the association. The organization has additionally actualized a corporate BYOD program in which the representatives need to carry their own gadget to the association. The organization has effectively kept up a large number of gadget inside the system and keeps up the security of the gadget (Cameron, 2014). Data Systems Strategy and Need of such Strategy in the general Organization procedure As of late, data frameworks are concentrating on the idea of planning. It is considered as a piece of dynamic and iterative procedure. Planning is the way toward comprehending information acquired through both formal and casual framework. The idea of data framework procedure or advanced business methodology mirrors a combination between IT framework and business system. The Information System procedure can reshape the plans of action and change the client cooperations and encounters. The IT framework has the ability to change the business activities and the gracefully chain in the Coles. Today, the greater part of the organizations have a critical portion of computerized in the promoting and the flexibly chain procedure (Peppard, Galliers Thorogood, 2014). In the current occasions, data framework has a significant job in building up the serious procedure of the organizations (Chen, Mocker, Preston Teubner, 2010). The Coles can utilize data frameworks to distinguish new item necessity or require and build up a specialty market or it can profoundly change the business forms. The Coles can utilize the tasks to grow their residential and personal business activities. Data frameworks can be utilized to build up relations with various colleagues. Data framework is likewise a vital piece of the development system of an association. The open advancement is the procedure wherein an association can draw in and team up with its accomplices in the development procedure. A few driving organizations, for example, Google and Microsoft are utilizing data framework procedure to cultivate advancement inside the association. Data framework help in collective choice creation process as all the partners are associated through a typical stage (Cassidy, 2016). It is generally realized that gatherings settle on preferable choices over people and the data framework aid it. It is additionally significant in forcing cutoff times to task and urging or rousing individuals to buckle down. Amazon is another association has the best web based business plan of action. The organization has created fast item advancement and market-reaction plan of action. Amazon has been effective to wander into various business zones and handle various sorts of clients without bringing down item quality. The association learning and information the executives are additionally a significant piece of the IT procedure of an association. Without compelling and constant learning, it is hard to adjust to the market changes. Difficulties in the Implementation of Information Systems Strategy There are a few difficulties, which are should have been tended to during the execution of Information System in Coles. The data framework needs to recognize all the requirements and issues in data the executives. It is fundamental to convince the top administration, the significance of data framework. When the arrangement is created, the top administration must favor of the recommended framework. The administrators should design the framework altogether by deciding the time and the time and financial plan required by the framework. Another test is to adjust the data methodology to the business system (Galliers, Leidner, 2014). There are a few difficulties, for example, inside correspondence channels, feeble administration at the top generally level and the connection with the senior administrators, which can be ordered as administrative difficulties in the framework usage. The human asset issue is an essential test to the business associations. There is a test to connect with the workforce with the client training with the new innovation. The associations additionally think that its hard to enroll fitting staff individuals, utilize specialists who can achieve the data innovation exercises. The specialists must have the option to distinguish the ways, which can address the client needs and requests. The more seasoned workers show absence of premium and reluctance to learn new advances (Pearlson, Saunders Galletta, 2016). Aside from it, specialized difficulties are basic in the product and equipment parts of Information Technology foundation usage. There are sure media transmission issues additionally which may be seen as a boundary. In enormous organizations, the relocation from old programming to new programming or overhauling the past ones is additionally an issue. Data System Failures and Recommendations Presently, countless organizations neglect to execute an effective Information System. The significant explanation of the disappointment is that the association surpasses its spending plan or time window. Hence, so as to direct an effective usage, the association ought to comprehend the idea of the vital change required, which can be related to the assistance of accomplishment or disappointment model. The disappointment of the framework is set apart by the steady dissatisfaction of the clients with the framework. The client obstruction likewise impedes the acknowledgment of the framework by the expected clients (Jarzabkowski Paul Spee, 2009). There is plausibility that the clients may continually assault the framework checking it as unusable or insufficient with the end goal of the framework. Coles can follow following methodologies to adjust its data framework systems with the objectives of the association. The insufficient managem
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Database Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Database Security - Research Paper Example The DBMSs give an interface that that empowers clients to associate with the database itself, different applications for catching and breaking down information (Oppel, 2004). Database security is worried about angles planned for ensuring the substance of the database, clients and proprietors. The security ranges from framework insurance against programming and equipment breakdown to purposeful and unapproved utilization of the database and accidental access by elements not approved. Databases might be presented to dangers as loss of respectability, secrecy, validness and accessibility. Most huge databases face security moves identified with survivability, licensed innovation rights and information quality. As per a report by the American firm Verizon, databases are at the center of any association as they store classified information and client records, yet they are the most penetrated business resources (Kroenke and Auer, 2007). Information must be accessible at each essential time, and it should just be accessible to fittingly approved clients (Elmasri and Navathe, 2010). It is additionally of basic significance to follow clients who get to information and the information they get to. Information realness guarantees that information is altered by approved sources and affirms that clients getting to it are really who they guarantee to be. Realness additionally confirms that outbound information is being conveyed to the normal beneficiary. Through information trustworthiness, outside information is checked as having the right arrangement and the fundamental metadata. Information trustworthiness is likewise worried about the precision and undeniable nature of information just as guaranteeing that information adheres to the right principles of work process for the association (Kroenke and Auer, 2007). All progressions to information and their creators must be accounted for as a consistence prerequisite for info rmation trustworthiness. Through information privacy, it is guaranteed that solitary effectively approved clients approach classified information. This guarantees the whole database is
Sunday, August 2, 2020
The 5 Ds That Help With Smoking Cessation
The 5 Ds That Help With Smoking Cessation Addiction Nicotine Use How to Quit Smoking Print The 5 Ds for Smoking Cessation These Tips Will Help You Manage Most Cravings to Smoke By Terry Martin facebook twitter Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Learn about our editorial policy Terry Martin Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Sanja Jelic, MD on January 20, 2020 Sanja Jelic, MD, is board-certified in sleep medicine, critical care medicine, pulmonary disease, and internal medicine. Learn about our Medical Review Board Sanja Jelic, MD on January 20, 2020 Guido Mieth / Taxi / Getty Images More in Addiction Nicotine Use How to Quit Smoking After You Quit Nicotine Withdrawal Smoking-Related Diseases The Inside of Cigarettes Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Coping and Recovery Nicotine withdrawal is an intense phase of smoking cessation. It can include everything from physical symptoms that mimic illness to feelings of sadness and seemingly nonstop thoughts of smoking. Understanding what to expect when you quit smoking and having a plan to manage the discomforts that come with early smoking cessation keep you in control and headed for long-term success. The Five Ds of Smoking Cessation The five Ds is a set of tools that will help you quickly respond to the majority of smoking urges youll encounter in a healthy way. Memorize them and get in the habit of checking to see whether your cravings that come along fit into any of them. The five Ds are: DelayDistractDrink waterDeep breathingDiscuss 1. Delay Delay until the craving to smoke passes. Cravings are difficult, but they usually pass fairly quickly. Most urges to smoke come and go within three to five minutes. It may feel like your day is one long craving when you first quit, but the truth is that smoking urges really are relatively short in duration. They come often during the first several days after you stop smoking, but with practice at choosing other ways to deal with them rather than smoking, theyll begin to fade. 2. Distract Distract yourself. Shift your attention away from thoughts of smokingâ€"go for a walk around the block or work on a crossword puzzle. Distraction effectively stops the unhealthy mindset that enables thoughts of smoking. Left unchecked, those thoughts can cause you to spiral downward, so try to stay busy. 101 Things to Do Instead of Smoking 3. Drink Water Drink water to beat cravings to smoke. It works surprisingly well. Nicotine withdrawal is hard on your body, and good hydration will help to ease the negative effects. Youll feel better both physically and mentally. 4. Deep Breathing Deep breathing is a quick and effective way to reduce the stress that comes with early smoking cessation. Close your eyes and breathe in slowly for a count of three, then exhale for a count of three. Repeat and youll begin to feel your body release the tension its holding. Stress is a bit of a double-edged sword for new ex-smokers. We used cigarettes to deal with the stress in our lives, so when we quit, stress causes strong urges to smoke for most of us. At the same time, the early days of quitting create their own stress as well. Learning how to manage stress on the spot is critical, and deep breathing does just that. 5. Discuss Discuss your feelings with someone close to you or with other ex-smokers in an online smoking cessation support forum. Theres nothing better for your resolve than connecting with those who are walking the path alongside you or hearing from those who have navigated smoking cessation successfully. Knowing What to Expect Helps Success When you know what to expect from nicotine withdrawal and recovery from nicotine addiction in general, you can develop a plan of attack to tide you over when the going gets tough. The five Ds should be a part of that plan. Take your quit program one day at a time and trust that youll find your way through recovery from nicotine addiction, just as others have before you.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
What Situations Do You Believe Intervention Should Be...
7. In what situations do you believe intervention should be mandated? Voluntary? This student believes that intervention should be mandated if the conflict or situation at hand rises to a level which could lead to physical and sometimes irreparable harm of one of the involved parties. A mandated intervention in this situation can be used to redirect negative communication and negative goals in an effort to restore a level of positive conflict resolution. In this student’s opinion an Organizational Intervention should be mandatory if company is bought out or merges with another organization. This student believes so because this type of situation brings about a high degree of stress and creates uncertainty for the future. If there is a layoff as a result of a merger then an Organizational Intervention will help to reassure the remaining employees that the company will continue move forward and thrive. In essence the intervention provides the hope that the team so desperately need. If an organization mandates intervention during this situation then it wi ll benefit from the results of satisfied employees during a time when the company could be vulnerable. Organizational Development Interventions (n.d.) states that Organizational Interventions can help to build a team due to one of the following situations Organizational Interventions Situation Type of Organizational Intervention †¢ A merger †¢ An organizational restructure †¢ A new team or project team †¢ NewShow MoreRelatedEssay on Great depression1599 Words  | 7 Pagescompetition with domestic businesses, and a solution that helped both domestic and foreign economies grow mutually was not necessary. *The lack of individual and voluntary response to the depression, especially response from industry leaders, was the issue, and policies regarding â€Å"CEO philanthropy†should be encouraged in lieu of federal intervention. *Lack of employment was due to a lack of public projects and improvements which needed to be slowly and cautiously funded and regulated. Weak agricultureRead MoreThe Code Of Ethics Of The National Association Of Social Workers Essay1469 Words  | 6 Pages1. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
What is a Kinetochore
The place where two chromosomes (each known as a chromatid before the cell splits) are joined before they split into two is called the centromere. A kinetochore is the patch of protein found on the centromere of each chromatid. It is where the chromatids are tightly connected. When its time, at the appropriate phase of cell division, the kinetochores ultimate goal is move chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis. You can think of a kinetochore as the knot or central point in a game of tug-of-war. Each tugging side is a chromatid getting ready to break away and become part of a new cell. Moving Chromosomes The word kinetochore tells you what it does. The prefix kineto- means move, and the suffix -chore also means move or spread. Each chromosome has two kinetochores. Microtubules that bind a chromosome are called kinetochore microtubules. Kinetochore fibers extend from the kinetochore region and attach chromosomes to microtubule spindle polar fibers. These fibers work together to separate chromosomes during cell division. Location and Checks and Balances Kinetochores form in the central region, or centromere, of a duplicated chromosome. A kinetochore consists of an inner region and an outer region. The inner region is bound to chromosomal DNA. The outer region connects to spindle fibers. Kinetochores also play an important role in the cells spindle assembly checkpoint. During the cell cycle, checks are made at certain stages of the cycle in order to ensure that proper cell division takes place. One of the checks involves making sure that the spindle fibers are correctly attached to chromosomes at their kinetochores. The two kinetochores of each chromosome should be attached to microtubules from opposite spindle poles. If not, the dividing cell could end up with an incorrect number of chromosomes. When errors are detected, the cell cycle process is halted until corrections are made. If these errors or mutations cannot be corrected, the cell will self-destruct in a process called apoptosis. Mitosis In cell division, there are several phases that involve the cells structures working together to ensure a good split. In the metaphase of mitosis, kinetochores and spindle fibers help to position chromosomes along the central region of the cell called the metaphase plate. During anaphase, polar fibers push cell poles further apart and kinetochore fibers shorten in length, much like the childrens toy, a Chinese finger trap. Kinetochores tightly grip polar fibers as they are pulled toward the cell poles. Then, the kinetochore proteins that are holding the sister chromatids together are broken down allowing them to separate. In the Chinese finger trap analogy, it would be as if someone took a scissor and cut the trap at the center releasing both sides. As a result, in cellular biology, sister chromatids are pulled toward opposite cell poles. At the end of mitosis, two daughter cells are formed with the full complement of chromosomes. Meiosis In meiosis, a cell goes through the dividing process two times. In​ part one of the process, meiosis I, kinetochores are selectively attached to polar fibers extending from only one cell pole. This results in the separation of homologous chromosomes (chromosome pairs), but not sister chromatids during meiosis I. In the next part of the process, meiosis II, kinetochores are attached to polar fibers extending from both cell poles. At the end of meiosis II, sister chromatids are separated and chromosomes are distributed among four daughter cells.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Management Future Water Management Free Essays
Corporate water management: Risk for corporations – Opportunity for consultancy services Student Number: 440008 University of Portsmouth word count: 2646 (excluded figures, table of contents, references and executive summary) â€Å"This is to verify that this is my own work and that it has not been used in part in the assessment of other units in my degree†*********************** Executive summary: Water scarcity will be a vital resource for business in the future. In a report in 2008, it is indicated that water imports to UK accounted for 62% virtual water consumption [ (Chapagain amp; Stuart, 2008) ]. It is predicted that the usage of water in agriculture will rise 30% in 2025 [ (Black, 2010) ] and water availability per capita has reduced by 5 times compare to statistic in 1950 [ (UNDP) ]. We will write a custom essay sample on Management Future: Water Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now In correlation with the decrease in water supply, there has been significant increase in social concerns and customer attitudes toward environmental problems [ (Top of Mind Survey, 2010) ]. The water impacts on individuals, corporations, and communities have been realized and increasingly concern about over the same period. Water footprints, water supply-managements are identifiable practices which are introduced for public and private sectors [ (WWF, 2009; IBM, 2008) ]. However, despite the impacts of water issues, the business responses to the problems have been considerably weak [ (Barton, 2010) ]. At the same time, consultancy market has been indicated as a potential field of investment (Appendix 4). Triangulation of trends data suggests a potential market for consultancy service of water management. The article highlighted the business opportunities and profitability that it could bring which include: better knowledge of water supply chain to reduce environmental impact which is an essential value for business, understanding of water footprints practices hence improving CSR. It also proposed the main competitive advantages as low capital requirements and uniqueness of the services. However, it is predicted to have a reducing market share for the future. Low barrier of entries and the shortage in human-resource might be the main ressures. In order to examine this business opportunities, different sets of strategic and market analytical frameworks have been exercised aligning with discussion throughout the article. Contents 1 – Introduction:4 2 – Methodology4 3 – Trends data related to Water management5 3. 1 – Water – a scarce resource5 3. 2 – Escalating concern for social responsibility7 4 – Connections between trends8 5 – F uture prediction8 5. 1 – Water scarcity – a worsening trend8 5. 2 – Demand for CSR trend10 6 – Opportunity evaluation and justification 11 – Conclusion12 References13 Appendices16 Appendix 1: Water stress map and Population density16 Appendix 2: Water and Water footprint17 Appendix 3: Opinion survey on climate changes (ONS, 2010)18 Appendix 4: Business Opportunity analysis20 1 – Introduction: Companies have been focused on â€Å"green washing†their images with environmental activities concern with fossil fuels, emission, carbon footprints, etc. But another major subject has been long omitted in this area however is water and water usage throughout the supply chain of the business. It is critical to understand that consumptions of goods and services play tremendous role in water preservation on a global scale [ (Ercin, Aldaya, amp; Hoekstra, 2009) ]. For the equality and sustainability in the future growth, better knowledge and insights to water management are required for businesses in order to achieve its CSR goals. Environmental consultancy services and business advisories, with timely response can play a proactive part in encouraging, promoting, and providing water management services for businesses in the near future. The service will focus on aligning economic growth of sustainability with water preservation and other related-environmental problems in the business. The consultancy can also provide traceability service and educate traceability managers [ (Wylie, 2010) ] who can examines global supply chain through imports, exports, setting water standards, water footprint reporting, etc. The potential customers are massively wide-ranged from private companies to multinational companies as well as government and non-government agencies. Justification of business opportunity will be carried out in the last section along with the conclusion. The next section will briefly describe the research methodology of the study and key trends related. 2 – Methodology For this project, secondary data is used as the main source. Chris defined secondary sources as data which has been collected previously and reported by other people (2005). The secondary data are fact and figures from different environmental electronic source including United Nation (UN) website, Water Footprint Network (WFN) website and Office of National Statistic (ONS) website. Data about water footprint, CSR is from professional reports, and journal articles. Statistical and qualitative data gathered is the vital foundation to discussions of the business and triangulation of trends and figures. In fact, the major advantage of secondary data is its readiness for collection, extensive amount of empirical research are available in qualitative and quantitative forms from various sources. Secondary data are decoded and explained so that they are understandable and easy to read [ (Saunders, Lewis, amp; Thornhill, 2009, pp. 195 – 200) ]. Secondly, it is inexpensive with information which cannot be easily obtained individually. However, limitations of secondary data are also considered. Secondary data are collected and analyzed for different purposes and therefore general and irrelevant to the topic of the project. Furthermore, data used in the research are collected variably thus its quality and reliability must be questioned [ (Francis amp; Wesley, 1963) ]. Primary data collection could be useful but will be costly and time-consuming for the project [ (Chris, 2005, p. 107) ]. Appendices provided statistics related to water footprint, opinion survey about climate change and other water-related data. Some of the figures and table will be irectly put into the content of the article for better explanation to viewer. There are a lot of strategic and marketing analytical frameworks have been used which are PESTEL analysis, Porter’s five forces, Longenecker’s opportunity recognition criteria (Appendix 4). 3 – Trends data related to Water management There are two main trends which are connect ed and interrelated to the business opportunity. There are also sub-trends discussed within each of the category to further analysis. 3. 1 – Water – a scarce resource â€Å"The Earth cannot withstand a systematic increase of material things. If we grow by using more stuff, I’m afraid we’d better start looking for a new planet. †(Spoken by Robert Shapiro) a) Water shortage Nowadays, problems with water have been a rising controversy for humanity. World usages of water have been quadrupled to 4000 km3 per years while population has growth 3 times in 60 years (figure 1). Major contribution for the increase is agriculture and a growing figure on industry and municipal water use. Figure 1: Estimated Annual water use of the world [ (Kirby, 2004) ] According to UN estimates, more than half of the world’s population now lives in cities [ (BBC News, 2008) ]. Population density map (Appendix 1) of UK shows an inextricable link of urban areas with water stress map (Appendix 2. 4). World supply of portable water declines, the density of population in urbanized area increases the inefficiency of water supplies and continuingly enlarges water problems [ (Cetron ;amp; Davis, 2008) ]. Human activities include industry, domestic use, etc which could affect the water supply as well as other trends such as globalization and industrialization. [ (International Year of Fresh Water 2003) ] b) Water management – UK Case The amount of water used to produce food and goods imported by developed countries such as UK is worsening water shortages in the developing world†(Black, 2010) In the case of UK, import goods from other countries are contributing to the water shortage in other nations. According to Chapagain ;amp; Stuart (2008), 62% of the total water in the UK is accounted for by water from other countries, while 38% is used from domest ic water resources (Appendix 2. 1) Previous data shows that water consumed by UK residents are averagely 152 litres per days from 1995 to 2008(Appendix 2. ). Nevertheless, the amount of water indirectly embedded in consumption are massively larger. Embedded water in 1kg of beef are 15000 litres while 1 chunk of cheese are 2500 litres; hence with this calculation UK consumers only see 3% of water usages they are accountable for (Black, 2010). From 1995 to 2001, 70% of water source are from import goods while 30% water of UK usage are self-generated (Appendix 2. 2). With the increasing trend of usage of importing water, water exhaustion will occur for the rest of the world. 3. 2 – Escalating concern for social responsibility ) Demand for social responsibility from customers and society. Consumers and society are growingly concern about climate and environmental issues. In an opinion survey of ONS, the number of UK residents who are worried about climate changes and environment is over 80% constantly from 2006 to 2009, 30% of people seriously concern about environmental problems (Appendix 3. 3). Nevertheless, the percentage believes environmental impacts to be top three priorities declined from 2007 to 2009 of 9% (Appendix 3. 1). This may due to a recession which introduced major economic problems during the period thus shifted society’s attention. On the other hand, 82% of respondents are ready to change their behaviour to reduce climate change’s consequences (Appendix 3. 3). b) Water CSR: responses for Business sustainability For businesses, CSR has been ranked 3rd in 2009 and 2nd in 2010 as concerning issues for consumer goods industry [ (Top of Mind Survey, 2010) ]. Friedman (2007) also identified in his article a strong link between good CSR and profitability of the firm. However, disclosures of corporate water performance from different sectors are surprisingly weak. From a benchmarking study of 100 companies [ (Barton, 2010) ] which examine water performance disclosure quality with a score range from 0 to 100 points, there is no company surpasses 43 points and the average highest score are achieved in mining sector with only 28 points (figure 2). Figure 2: Average score by sector of water disclosure quality from 100 companies [ (Barton, 2010) ] 4 – Connections between trends Water shortage and water-related stresses put corporations into potential problems. Recent reports of WWF and WFN (Or, Cartwight, ;amp; Tickner, 2008; Hoekstra A. Y. 2008) has identified four type of risk related to water issues that business could possibly face: * Physical risk: The shortage of water in the future will be a major problem for businesses. * Reputational risk: Disclosure, quality of disclosre, and other water CSR issues may be questioned by public thus damaging company’s image. * Regulatory risk: As water shortage is a global trend, government wi ll introduce more strict policies and regulations on water resources. * Financial risk: The consequences of the above will be increase in cost/decrease in revenue. (Or, Cartwight, ;amp; Tickner, 2008) For CSR of water, Gerben – Leenes ;amp; Hoekstra, (2008) presented the â€Å"business water footprint†as total fresh water used directly and indirectly in a production process of a business. It categorized as 2 major type: operational water footprints which are water used directly in the operation and supply chain water footprint which are used indirectly. Barton, (2010) implies that reduction of water footprint should be part of business environment approach along with other methods like carbon footprints. International trade and business activities has a close link with local water depletion and pollution [ (Hoekstra ;amp; Chapagain, 2008, p. 8) ]. 5 – Future prediction 5. 1 – Water scarcity – a worsening trend â€Å"Forecasts suggest that when the world’s population soars beyond 8bn in 20 years time, the global demand for food and energy will jump by 50%, with the need for fresh water rising by 30%. †[ (Black, 2010) ] Human activi ties especially agriculture will incessantly put pressures on water supply (figure 3). Climate change and population growth will burden agriculture to produce more which increase the demand for water while industry consumption of water will reduce as technology increases. Figure 3: projection of water usage in agriculture, industry and municipal Water availability is projected to keep a decrease for the future (Figure 3). Figure 3: Water availability per capita (UNDP) For a more depressing view, several projections illustrated that approximately 48 to 60 countries will face water scarcity by 2050 with at least 2 billion people in danger [ (UN-Water, 2010) ]. If the problem with water becomes critical globally, the UK development will also be influenced. Water imported to UK are majorly for agriculture products (Appendix 2. 2). The main source of water (virtual water ) in UK comes from imported goods and foods. 5. 2 – Demand for CSR trend Government in response to energy and environmental issues will impose strict regulations on corporate, industries will have more pressures for social responsibilities. Water responsibility should have a much wider-range of measurement and business should embrace a wider set of values to sustain economic growth in the future and prevent incoming water crisis. * Sustainability in future? Figure 4: risk over time associated with corporate water-related interventions. (WWF, 2009) ] In the time of government intervention and corporate responses to water-related issues and other mega-trends (Demographic shift, economic growth, and climate change), risks of water will decrease to a level that meet intervention level (figure 4). In fact, a sustainability future can be achieved with responsibilities shared for everyone [ (HMGovernment, 2005) ]. 6 – Opportunity evaluat ion and justification The growing concern of water scarcity and public interest in social responsibility are two main trends which will impose pressures to both policies makers and businesses. Pioneers with awareness to areas where water issues are most serious can express actual developments; and turn this to competitive advantage [ (Pegram, Or, amp; Williams, 2009) ]. However, in order to make clear alignment between policies, water-based knowledge and corporate interests (shareholder values, profitability, CSR), there will be a gap for corporate water management developed whilst will encourage consultancy services. Water management consultancy service will have two main focuses: * Water footprints accounting practices for corporations Supply-chain water management The former will enhance business practices of CSR, assisting in building a green image for company and control, review efficiently and effectively the water supply-chain while the latter will analysis, evaluate and give advices to where business could improve its water supply chain. Both will be Unique Selling Points in consultant industry which other competitors do not have (auditors, financial advisors, etc) . The uniqueness of the service and excellent quality will be main differentiations to competitors. There are insufficient data about market share and demand for consultant services presently; a primary data research would be useful but the scope of this project does not allow. Nevertheless, the market demand are predicted to dramatically increase with the concerns about water-scarcity and social responsibility demand [ (Or, Cartwight, amp; Tickner, 2008) ]. Particularly, UK will require a wide range of knowledge about water supply-chain management. It is indicated via Porter’s five forces than 5 threats to this industry is considerably low (Appendix 4. 2) which can be explained by its service-nature and knowledge-based gaps. Nevertheless, in the long-term, demand for consultancy services could be decreased. Government regulations and business awareness increase [ (Barton, 2010) ] which may reduce water risks thus the need for consultant services will reduce. This will lead to the problem of sustainable profitability and development in the long-term of the business. Furthermore, reputation development will be crucial for consultant service to ensure quality, reliability and effectiveness of the service provided. This is a long-term process which requires a lot of marketing and Ramp;D funding. Another factor needs to be considered is financial side of the business. With small capital investment requirement, the investment in business is predicted to be low (estimation of ? 50. 000). With a small to medium-size enterprise which operates efficiently, business could have a payback time of 2 to 3 years and IRR rate amount to 10% cost of capital. However, what is critical is knowledge-based values (intangible assets), with the little people who can have water knowledge and corporate business knowledge about CSR and other consultancy areas combined. Training and Learning may be a problem for mid-long term development that business could possibly face. Last but not least, potentially large number of competitors could appear in the future. Demand for this knowledge gap of water will be filled with concerns about water crisis. IBM has run its program about water name â€Å"smarter water management†to explore approaches to water management [ (IBM, 2008) ]. Master (Msc) course for water management has been introduced as part of education scheme for Unesco-IHI: Institute of water education [ (UNESCO, 2009) ]. However this education development could as well turn into advantages when more water-managers are available to reduce bargaining power of suppliers. 7 – Conclusion In conclusion, with the water shortage as a predicted trend for humanity in the future and the demand for social responsibilities comes from society in which customers are the direct pressure. It is noticeable for firms and companies to have appropriate response to the problem in a global scale. Therefore, with the demand for water-management knowledge in the future, this would suggest that there is an unexplored field of water-consultant services for consultant industry. The uniqueness of the services provided by corporate water management package will be the main competitive advantage for the companies as clients’ growingly concern for CSR. Low capital investment required, critical knowledge-based resources about water-management will contribute to the business success rate. However, the reduction in demand for the service in the future and reputation requirements will be the major issues that business may have to face in the long-term development. References Barton, B. (2010). Musky water? Corporate reporting on water risk: A benchmarking study of 100 companies. Ceres. BBC News. (2008, November 5). Retrieved November 17, 2010, from Growing Slums â€Å"face water crisis†: http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7708120. stm Black, R. (2010, April 19). BBC. Retrieved April 25, 2010, from UK water use â€Å"worsening water crisis†: http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/8628832. stm Cetron, M. J. , amp; Davis, O. (2008). 55 trends shaping tomorrow’s world: Forcasts and implications for Business, Government and Consumers. Maryland: World future society. Chapagain, A. , ;amp; Stuart, O. 2008). UK water footprint: the impact of the UK’s food and fibre consumption on global water resources. WWF. Surrey: WWF. Chris, H. (2005). Doing your Master Dissertation. London: Sage Publications. Ercin, A. E. , Aldaya, M. M. , amp; Hoekstra, A. Y. (2009). A pilot in corporate water footprint accounting and impact assessment: The water footprint of a sugar-containing carb onated beverage. Delft: UNESCO-IHE: Institution for water education. Francis, R. J. , amp; Wesley, B. C. (1963). Research Methodology in Business (1st ed. ). New York: Harper y Brothers. Friedman, M. (2007). The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits. In Corporate Ethics and Corporate Governance (pp. 173-178). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. HMGovernment. (2005). Sercuring the future: delivering UK sustainable development policies. Norwich: TSO. Hoekstra, A. Y. (2008). Water Neutral: Reducing and Offsetting the impacts of water footprints. Delft: UNESCO – IHE: Institution for water education. Hoekstra, A. Y. , amp; Chapagain, A. K. (2008). Globalization of water: sharing the planet’s freshwater resouces. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. IBM. (2008). Smarter Water management. Retrieved January 20, 2010, from IBM: http://www. ibm. com/smarterplanet/uk/en/water_management/ideas/index. html? re=sph International Year of Fresh Water 2003. (n. d. ). Retrieved April 22, 2010, from http://www. wateryear2003. org Kirby, A. (2004, October 19). BBC news. Retrieved April 22, 2010, from Water scarcity: A looming crisis? : http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3747724. stm (2008). Living Planet Report. Gland: WWF for a living planet. Longenecker, J. , Moore, C. , Palich, L. , ;amp; Petty, J. (2005). Small business management: an entrepreneurial emphasis. (13th, Ed. ) Ohio: Thomson South-western. ONS. (2010). Public attitude towards climate change and the Impact of Transport: 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 (January 2010 report). Office of National Statistic. Or, S. , Cartwight, A. , ;amp; Tickner, D. (2008). Understanding Water Risk – A primer on the consequenses of water scarity for government and business. WWF. Pegram, G. , Or, S. , ;amp; Williams, C. (2009). Investigating Shared Risk in Water: Corporate Engagement with Public Policy Process. WWF. Rickman, C. D. (2005). The small Business Start up workbook: A step by step guide to starting the business you have dreamed of. Oxford: How to Content. Salina, I. (Director). (2008). Flow – For the love of Water [Motion Picture]. Saunders, M. , Lewis, P. , ;amp; Thornhill, A. (2009). Research methods for Business Students (5th ed. ). Essex: Peason Education Limited. (2010). Top of Mind Survey. Paris: The Consumer Good Forum. UNDP. (n. d. ). United Nation Development Development. Retrieved from http://www. undp. org/ UNESCO. (2009). Education of master in water management. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from UNESCO-ihe: http://www. nesco-ihe. org/Education/MSc-Programmes/MSc-in-Water-Management UN-Water. (2010). Retrieved April 23, 2010, from http://www. unwater. org/ WWF. (2009). Water Footprinting:Identifying and Addressing Water Risks in the Value Chain. WWF. Wylie, I. (2010, January 9th). Jobs of the Future. Retrieved April 25, 2010, from The Guardian: http://www. guardian. co. uk/money/2010/jan/09/jo bs-of-the-future/print Appendices Appendix 1: Water stress map and Population density 1. 2 Population density in the UK Sources: ONS (2003) 1. 2 Water stress in regions of UK Sources: ONS (2003) Appendix 2: Water and Water footprint Consist of 3 figures: Water footprint in UK, Water footprint versus water scarcity, self-sufficiency and water import dependency. Domestic water consumption in UK 2. 1 Water footprint in UK (extracted from WFN, 2010) | Water footprint| Water footprint by consumption category| | Total| Per capita| Consumption of domestic water| Consumption of agricultural goods| Consumption of industrial goods| | | | Internal water footprint| Internal water footprint| External water footprint| Internal water footprint| External water footprint|  Measurement: m3/cap/yr | UK| 73. 07| 1245| 38| 218| 592| 114| 284| 2. 2. Water footprint versus water scarcity, self-sufficiency and water import dependency per country period 1997-2001 (Extracted from WFN, 2010) Country| Total renewable water resources| Internal water footprint| External water footprint| Total water footprint| Water scarcity| Water self-sufficiency| Water import dependency|  | 109 m3/yr| 109 m3/yr| 109 m3/yr| 109 m3/yr| %| %| %| UK| 147. 00| 21. 67| 51. 40| 73. 07| 50| 30| 70| .| | | | | | | | 2. 3. Domestic water consumption in UK (source: ONS) Appendix 3: Opinion survey on climate changes [ (ONS, 2010) ] 3. 1 Percentage considering climate change to be the most important/in top three most important issues facing Britain 3. 2 Attitude to climate change and behavior change for UK residents 3. 3 How concern you are to climate change and environmental impacts Appendix 4: Business Opportunity analysis This part will consist of 3 figures: water management future – PESTEL analysis, water management consultancy market – Porter’s five forces anaylysis, Longenecker’s opportunity evalution criteria 4. 1 Water management PESTEL analysis. Corporate water Management Future – PESTEL AnalysisPolitical * Privatization of water has been demonstrated as a threat to water supply with concerns about politics, pollution, human right to access water and the threat of monopolization of water (Salina, 2008). * Sustainability development policies has been developed since 2005 by UK government (HMGovernment, 2005) which shows concerns of government about future environmental problems * Political issues between parts of the world will indirectly affect the supply of water especially to poor people. â€Å"Water war†as a black swan but actually happened in Bolivia in 2000 (Salina, 2008)Economic * Cost of water will go up as the water supply decrease, unstable supply of water will * Import/export goods will play a major role for water management in the 21st century (Chapagain ;amp; Stuart, 2008). Water consumption of developed countries outmatched other regions which is a serious misallocation. * Specialization, outsourc ing will have major impact on water supply and quality. Agriculture, industry increasingly pose negative effects on water (International Year of Fresh Water 2003) * Businesses increasingly concerns about corporate social responsibilitySocial * Access to freshwater is a growing concern for the society. 1. 2 billion people are suffering from water shortage in 2009 (Living Planet Report, 2008) * Sanitation of water is an apprehension as diseases related to water are increasing. Changing attitude of community about climate change and water shortage in the future will * Water users does not realize the real amount of water they using hence exercise shortage of responsibilities * Drought, water-related epidemic are wild-cardsTechnological * Government spending on management and water preservation research * New method of calculating virtual water: water footprint * Water preservation practices * Innovations in water allocation, water protection methodsBreakthrough in technology, innovative discovery of water management can be a wild cardEnviron mental * Pollution of water reduce availability of water supply for humanity, chemicals from industrial activities cannot be fully absorbed by water lead to many other problems with the ecosystems * Carbon emissions, global warming: â€Å"According to UN-Water’s reports (2010) Global warming will be the cause of rising salinity level of water, sea level increases by 5 to 88 cm compared to 1990 figures. Consequently, it is revealed that 20% of water scarcity is responsible by climate change. * Water living stocks are reducing as rivers, lakes, other water sources deplete. (Living Planet Report, 2008)Legislation * The right to access fresh and clean water: Large non-government organizations (WHO, UN) set up policies and declaration that water is a fundamental source to life and health which people have the right to access regardless economic circumstances. * Control over import/export goods: Water footprint regulations on corporations to estimate virtual water| 4. 2 Water management consultancy market – Porter analysis (Content in the next page) 4. Longenecker’s opportunity evaluation criteria [ (Longenecker, Moore, Palich, ;amp; Petty, 2005) ] Market factors * The consultancy service will be based on business need to manage water-sources, it must be clear that firms start to realize the important of Water-related CSR. * Technology available (water footprints) but not w idely adopted * Knowledge gap (corporate water management, manage water supply chain) Competitive Advantage * The product or service delivered must surpass competitors in some key areas. * Unique service provider: Water management for businesses, footprint accounting. * Deliver long-term value in CSR for clients. Economics The financial feasibility of the project and the ability to grow and being profitable needs to be examined. (Rickman, 2005) ] * Possibly a very large market (apply for all corporation, organizations, and companies) * Low initial costs, setup costs, flexible. Management Capacity * Low capital requirement, small amount of management requires * Could operate as small business type. * Investigation of government policies changes, collaboration with resource-protection, environmental organizations (WFN, UN). * Marketing strategy aims for big organizations first then small and medium enterprises. Fatal Flaws * Business perception for CSR will remain limited (another sho rt-term trend) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Corporate social responsibility [ 2 ]. Robert Shapiro, CEO of the Monsanto Corporation which is a How to cite Management Future: Water Management, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Led Zeppelin Essays - Jimmy Page, Music, Led Zeppelin, John Bonham
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin was one of the giants of the 1970s in hard rock. They were also one of the greatest success stories that ever played hard rock music. The group was one the more popular hard rock groups that performed in the seventies, and even had some hits in the 1960s. The members of the group are Jimmy Page, born on April 9, 1944, Robert Plant, born on August 24, 1948, John Paul Jones, born on January 3, 1946, and John Bonham born on May 31, 1948. Jimmy Page played guitar, Robert Plant was the vocalist, John Paul Jones played bass guitar and the keyboard, and John Bonham beat the drums. The group had the complete set up for a band right off the start. They produced their first record in thirty hours to complete their deal with the old Yardbirds. They toured Scandinavia for awhile also to complete their obligations to the Yardbirds. When they first came to the United States they supported Vanilla Fudge. They also played in clubs to start their American popularity. After they played in the clubs they got their first headlining tour and toured again that. They were playing their fifth tour by the March of 1970. Led Zeppelin the record was released by the Atlantic Records in 1969. Shortly after the record was released it was number eight and stayed in the top twenty for six weeks. When the Led Zeppelin II was released, it was Atlantic Records fastest selling album at 100,000 copies a week. They broke their own record in 1975 when Physical Graffiti that sold 500 copies an hour. All of their albums have gone platinum. They were the first group to heavily tour the United States and sporadically tour the rest of the world. This occurred because there was a lack of interest in them Britain. Their success was due to their manager Peter Grant. Peter was able to keep the group moving from place to place and kept the people interested in them. Peter thought that they would work every other year so they would stay in demand. While they were working on their first movie featuring them. This movie was of the group playing their music, which was called, The Song Remains Playing. A representative from their record company called and told Page that the sales of their new album Houses of the Holy was spectacular. The record company told Page that the group, Led Zeppelin, was the biggest selling group in the world and was making the most money at the time. After Page and Plant heard this they were having a moment of triumph because their band was making it big. During this time of popularity that the band was going through, there was a feature on them in the L.A. Times. They were making music for the adolescence age group and they were being looked up at as role models. Led Zeppelins manager Peter Grant was an amazing and brilliant person. Their road manager was also a great person for the band to have because he promoted them as much as possible. By the summer of 1975, Led Zeppelin was the most popular band in the world. They were filling football stadiums across the United States. They also filled the Earls Court, which held 20,000 people for five days in London. It was awesome an show that had an amazing light show, smoke, dry ice, and laser beams. The concerts were focused on Jimmy Page and Robert Plant because they were the main guys in the group. On stage they were opposites and compliments: Plant a golden-ringleted Adonis marvelously parodying the sexual superstar while singing in a voice of limitless power.(www.wysiwyg://14/http://www.redrival.com/getled/history.html.) Page was a dark, fragile guitarist of immense versatility and command clothed in black velvet and rippling dragons.(www.http://www.led-zeppelin.com/news.html) The Presence(1976) and the In Though the Out Door(1979) proved to be the last Led Zeppelin albums that were produced. John Bonham was found dead at the home of Jimmy Page on the 25 of September in 1980. (www.http://www.led-zeppelin.com/news.html) After this tragic loss the band announced that they could not play any longer. The album entitled Coda was an unreleased set of recordings and out takes which was released in 1982.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The Case For Agile Marketing With Andrea Fryrear From AgileSherpas
The Case For Agile Marketing With Andrea Fryrear From AgileSherpas What did 447 marketers identify as the top benefits of an agile marketing approach? Helps team change gears quickly; provides better visibility into status of projects; finds roadblocks sooner; and produces higher quality work. Today, my guest is Andrea Fryrear, AgileSherpas co-founder and agile marketing consultant. We’re revealing the results of the 2nd Annual State of Agile Marketing Report. Agile Marketing: Transitioning from traditional marketing pieces to short-term, high-quality, flexible work delivered rapidly and focused on the customer Emphasis put on experimentation and validated learning through small, empowered, autonomous marketing teams Marketers moving to agile framework to increase productivity, improve prioritization, and allow time to be innovative and creative Common practices include daily stand-ups and using tools to visualize work One-third of respondents are agile marketers; 50% are traditional marketers; and 15% are ad-hoc marketers 50% of traditional marketers want to implement agile marketing approach in 2019 54% of agile teams use a hybrid approach Agile aids interpersonal issues; creates better colleagues and work/life balance Processes, project management tools, and education assist agile adoption Overcoming agile skepticism; process of change is less painful than status quo Favorite shifts between 2018 and 2019 reports; marketers are getting educated and thinking for themselves Andrea’s Advice on Agile Approach: If you can’t fix it, make it visible Links: AgileSherpas AgileSherpas Training Services 2nd Annual State of Agile Marketing Report Why You Should Shred Your 2019 Marketing Plan and Do This Instead by Garrett Moon Scrum Guide If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Andrea Fryrear: â€Å"If you haven’t already drunk the Agile Kool-Aid(Agile marketing is) very focused on the customer, very high quality, but also able to be delivered very rapidly.†â€Å"For marketing teams, we need more flexibility.†â€Å"Change is hard. There has to be something enticing on the other side of the difficult process.†â€Å"Agile practices repair some of the interpersonal problems that marketers can experience. We become better colleagues, and we have better work/life balance.â€
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
China One Child Policy Facts
China One Child Policy Facts For more than 35 years, Chinas one-child policy limited the countrys population growth. It ended after 2015, as Chinas demographics had been skewed due to the policy. China does not have enough young people to support the aging demographics, and due to a preference for boys, men of marrying age outnumber women. In all, there were more than 33 million men than women in China in 2016, making it difficult for men of lower socioeconomic status to marry at all. After 2024, India is expected to become the worlds most populous, when both countries populations are expected to reach about 1.4 billion. Chinas population is forecast to be stable and then decline slightly after 2030, and India will keep growing. The Background Chinas one-child rule was created in 1979 by Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping to temporarily limit communist Chinas population growth. It was in place until January 1, 2016. When the one-child policy was adopted in 1979, Chinas population was about 972 million people. China was expected to achieve zero population growth by 2000, but it actually achieved that seven years earlier. Whom It Affected Chinas one-child policy most strictly applied to Han Chinese living in urban areas of the country. It did not apply to ethnic minorities throughout the country. Han Chinese represented more than 91 percent of the Chinese population. Just over 51 percent of Chinas population lived in urban areas. In rural areas, Han Chinese families could apply to have a second child if the first child was a girl. For families who observed the one-child rule, there were rewards: higher wages, better schooling and employment, and preferential treatment in obtaining governmental assistance (such as health care) and loans. For families who violated the one-child policy, there were sanctions: fines, wage cuts, employment termination, and difficulty in obtaining governmental assistance. Families who were permitted to have a second child usually had to wait from three to four years after the birth of the first child before conceiving their second child. The Exception to the Rule One major exception to the one-child rule allowed two singleton children (the only offspring of their parents) to marry and have two children. Additionally, if a first child was born with birth defects or major health problems, the couple was usually permitted to have a second child. The Long-Term Fallout  In 2015 China had an estimated 150 million single-child families with an estimated two-thirds of those thought to be a direct result of the policy. Chinas sex ratio at birth is more imbalanced than the global average. There are about 113 boys born in China for every 100 girls. While some of this ratio might be biological (the global population ratio is currently about 107 boys born for every 100 girls), there is evidence of sex-selective abortion, neglect, abandonment, and even infanticide of infant females. The recent peak total fertility rate for Chinese women was in the late 1960s, when it was 5.91 in 1966 and 1967. When the one-child rule was first imposed, the total fertility rate of Chinese women was 2.91 in 1978. In 2015, the total fertility rate had dropped to 1.6 children per woman, well below the replacement value of 2.1. (Immigration accounts for the remainder of the Chinese population growth rate.)
Monday, February 17, 2020
Econ reading Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Econ reading - Assignment Example On the contrary, Fiat money is the one that does not have intrinsic value. Fiat money may be utilized upon government decree. On the other hand, demand deposits are account balances in a bank that depositors may obtain via writing a check upon request. Therefore, demand deposits should be included in the stock money in order to measure the value of money in the stock (Mankiw, 2011). The U.S Federal Reserve System acts as a central bank, it sets monetary policies in an economy. The Federal group is appointed by the president upon senate approval. Fed can increase the amount money in circulation through open market operation, whereby, Fed can make dollars and utilize them to buy bonds this led to an increase the amount of money in circulation (Mankiw, 2011). On the contrary, banks do not hold 100 reserves because they lend some money to earn profits. The relationship between amount of reserves and amount of money in the banking system a rises because banks accepts deposits from the pub lic and lend out some deposits while ensuring proportion bank reserve is maintained (Mankiw, 2011). If bank A has a leverage ratio of 10, while Bank B has a leverage ratio of 20 whereby, similar losses on bank loans at the two banks cause the value of their assets to fall by 7 percent. The above statement indicates that bank B showed a larger change in bank capital than bank A because its capital value declined twice as much as bank A. However, the two banks remained solvent because they can be able to meet their financial obligation. Connectively, discount rate is an interest rate charged by Fed to commercial banks when advancing loans, when Fed raises discount rates, the amount of money in circulation decreases (Mankiw, 2011). Discount rate is the interest rate charged by Fed to commercial bank on borrowed funds, when Fed raises the discount rates, bank reserve decrease this in turn causes the cost of borrowing to increase. This discourages borrowing and consequently reduces the a mount of money in circulation (Mankiw, 2011). . On the other hand, a reserve requirement is the amount of funds that a bank should retain after advancing loans. Whereby, an increase in reserve requirement causes an increase in reserve ratio, this in turn leads to a decrease in money supply. Additionally, Fed can not perfectly control the supply money because it does not have control of the amount of money held in the pockets of households. Secondly, Fed does not have control of the amount of money advanced as loans by the banks (Mankiw, 2011). 2.) Answer Questions for Review #1 in the middle of page 666 The value of money may be affected through increasing price level. This is because the money tends to lose its value this further reduces the purchasing power of money. According to the quantity theory of money, an increase in quantity of money leads to an increase in inflation rates. In above connection, nominal variables are those measured in monetary terms while real variables are those that can be measured in physical terms. According to the principle of monetary neutrality, nominal variables may be affected by changes in quantity of money. Inflation is like a tax in the senses that when government print money, the amount of money held by people losses value due to increase in money supply (Mankiw, 2011). According to Fishers effect, an increase in inflation rate causes real interest to fall. On the hand, nominal interest rate increases. The cost of inflation may involve menu cost that causes the company to adjust its prices such cost of printing new catalogues, advertising to mention just but a few. The most important cost for the U.S economy is inflation cost because an increase the tax burden
Monday, February 3, 2020
ECONOMIC ADVISEMENT PAPER Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
ECONOMIC ADVISEMENT - Research Paper Example The unemployment rate reported from 1948 until 2013, on an average was 5.81 percent. The highest unemployment rate recorded in USA was in November of 1982 which was 10.83 percent and the lowest was recorded in May of 1953, which was 2.50 percent. In united state, the unemployment rate measures the people who are unemployed, from the labor force. (trading economics, 2013) The interest rate in USA is reported by the Federal Reserve. The interest rate last recorded in USA was 0.25 percent. From 1917 until 2013 the average interest rate was 6.81 percent. The highest interest rate recorded was in March 1980, which was 20 percent, while the lowest interest rate was 0.25 in December 2008. In the United States, the interest rate is decided by the combined decision of the Federal Reserve (board) and the federal open market committee (FOMC). The decision is made by the board on the basis of the recommendations, given by one or more regional Federal Reserve Bank. (united state interest rate, 2013) According to a report by the commerce department, there was an increase of 2.6 percent in the consumer income, in USA. The report says that the salaries and wages of the American labors have been increasingly growing since December 2004. Due the increase in the income, there is an increase in the consumer spending as well. The rise in the consumer income rate was due to improve in the wages and the salaries of the American employees. The bonuses and the compensation were given by many companies to their employees, before in the raise in taxes. The consumption rate of the consumer was raised up to 2.2 percent, which was more than the estimated rate. The increase in the per person income rate is more than the estimated, this shows that the American economy have improved more than the expectation. There is an increase in the payroll tax from February, which has decreased the
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Economic And Social Impacts Of Lakemba Street Festival Tourism Essay
Economic And Social Impacts Of Lakemba Street Festival Tourism Essay Within the sport and hospitality field, the term event is used to describe a wide range of event categories many of which have quite different characteristics. According to the article à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Such events range from the Olympic Games at the mega-event end of the scale to small regional festivals. Jago and Shaw (1998, p.29). Other good definitions could be used including, (Getz 1991; Jago Shaw 1998; Arcodia Robb 2000). According to Jago and Shaw (1998, p.29), the definition of subcategories of events, including community festivals, and mega events is a onetime infrequently occurring event of limited duration that provides the consumer with a leisure and social opportunity beyond everyday experience. Community events and festivals according to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Reflect and celebrate the community in which they are staged. This statement is continued by suggesting that street parades and festivals can create a sense of pride and a sense of place or identity. They provide for different levels of participation which helps bring people together. According to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Events and festivals can boost the local economy, by attracting visitors and showing them that the area is a great place to live, work and invest. Managing a community event or festival is complex and could be very overwhelming. Nevertheless when profitable, an event can be extremely enjoyable, rewarding and pleasurable. Introduction With a crowd of 30,000 people the Lakemba street festival held on Saturday 7th August 2010, celebrates the local multicultural community coming together. The Lakemba City Council strongly believes that staging street parades, festivals and events are an important part within Lakemba, as they help unite the community and the local neighborhood in celebration and festivity. According to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Street festivals offer the population with a sense of belonging to their local community and are also seen as an effective promotional tool for the many groups and organizations that operate within the municipality. Indicated on the websiteà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. The festival included a variety of foods including food stalls offering a range of cuisines and treats from different countries including Malaysia, Fiji, India, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, and the Cook Islands. This statement is continued by sugges ting that the event embraced the theme World on your Plate' suggesting the celebration of a multicultural community. Staging events and festivals also assist by supplying the opportunity for people to express and convey their cultural prosperity and diversity of the community, as well as some unique features including the areas environment factors and heritage. The vision of the Lakemba City Councils with the assistance of hosting events and festivals in the local area are established with the community goal to: Support and encourage community belonging, and to Support the contribution and participation in leisure, by distinguishing and understanding the benefits that participation in local festivals brings to the community and the individual welfare. Resources There is a great expectation that staging events provide a high visitor spending that will contribute extensively to the local economy. Stated in à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. The anticipation of tourists and increased expenditure in the destination area is a common feature of any special event (Murphy and Carmichael, 1991). However this approach can be impractical unless the area has a mixture of entertaining factors that assist in attracting people which benefit the economy growth and development. With Lakemba providing a clean environment, sufficient services and infrastructure, and a wide range of events and attractions including Justice Dance Crew, Politician à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. and many more singing and dancing acts, appeal to different people from different places to the area. According to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Local groups recognize that the econom ic value of events needs to be recorded in order to make effective decisions (Yoshioka, Virden and Knopf, 1991). Costs Festivals and Special events can create extensive economic costs, which are usually not thought of or might be missed during the excitement of the event. According to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. These can include direct, indirect and opportunity costs (Crompton, 1995). This statement is continued by stating that the direct costs associated with staging a local event are similar in nature to mega events only in smaller size. These include, police responsibility, managing traffic, medical aid, security, garbage removal, and other costs. Indirect costs might be difficult to record but include, personal or property damage connected to drug or alcohol use at the event, social conflict, congestion, disruption to lifestyle of local people and vandalism. Benefits According to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. The direct and indirect benefits of a local festival event are similar to a mega event only smaller in magnitude. Staging street parades and festivals are known to increase employment, income, production, investment, additional services, infrastructure, innovations and improvements to the area. According to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Intangible benefits such as growth in community strength and co-operation can result from the host community which is involved in event planning and production. This statement is continued by identifying that the event also has the ability to enhance the values of the local people as well as providing economic stimulus (Getz, 1991). Activities such as having help from volunteers in planning, organizing, marketing and production can provide important relationships which help create and attract donations to the develop ment of the local community (Williams, Dossa and Tompkins, 1995). The Lakemba street festival helped create an abundance of community assistance and generosity through the support of volunteers and entertainment acts that performed. Staging local events and festivals must generally influence and affect the host community with a positive impression while providing economic motivation and productivity. Hall (1992) suggests that the impact of volunteer labor is a good example of added economic value which provides additional benefits to a local event. Identified in à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Williams, Hainsworth and Dossa, (1995) also explains the significance of having volunteer work to the event by providing free labor in areas such as hosting visitors, maintaining services, event management, and ensuring safety and security. Due to the fact that volunteer work is mostly offered from leisure time, it is understood that in turn this would provides minimal opportunity costs making the community benefits as a whole. Economic Impacts According to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Richie (1984) he notes that using two major sources to constantly and frequently provides an extensive demonstrable data base for economic effect estimates. These major data sources include direct and indirect procedures. Gaining information from people at the event directly can enable researchers to gain information about economic impacts. Indirect data can be gained from organizations that either participated or were affected by the event (Uysal and Gitelson, 1994). In order to acquire suitable, consistent and reliable data, using both direct and indirect measures is necessary. According to Burns and Mules (1986), the geographical frame of reference of an event is an important factor to consider when assessing costs and benefits. They suggest that people attending the event that spend money is indicated as an important aspect of funds from outside the area. With events that are staged in smaller events, there is more ability for money attached to imported goods and services at events. In the case of the Lakemba street parade the indirect measures of spending is difficult to estimate. According to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. Funds paid to businesses outside the region are expected to be substantial due to the nature of purchased goods. Most small regions including Lakemba do rely greatly on goods and services imported from larger cities and shopping centers. Social Impacts Other important factors that impact on street or festival events include social impacts. Some examples include the strengthening of already established services and convenience stores, attracting new and different people to the area (Getz 1991). According to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. (Onyx Bullen 2000) issues such as safety, trust and a sense of personal efficacy have importance in the study of social impacts place on festivals and community events. Delameres (1997) states that to the success of the event, some social factors that affect events and festivals include the friendliness, safety, acceptance and creativity of the community. According to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ social impacts are defind as factors that have an impact on the quality of life for local community. This indicates that economic effects of the event including employment opportunities and environmental impacts including litter are likely to influence the general view of the local people. In conjuction with this statement Ritchie (1984), and later Hall (1989, 1992) identified six elements that have the ability to impact on an event. These include economic, tourism/commercial, physical, socio-cultural, psychological, and political factors. Some examples are shown in the table below. CONCLUSION Many local, community events are unique in their design, format and operation system relying on the local community. The potential for people attending to spend money can be inadequate and restricted. The Lakemba street festival was the 11th held this year. The festival was located at the main street of Lakemba where people where able to participate in and enjoy fun activities, dance and food. The event is run by Canterbury Council, which it celebrates respect, unity and peace.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Planning for Business Growth and Expansion Essay
There is a tremendous amount of information to be considered when starting a business. Not only is there planning for the business you are experiencing at the current moment, to maintain success an owner must plan ahead for growth and expansion. This planning should include the structure of the company as it grows as well as planning for any type of business product. I plan to discuss the detailed projects and plan regarding growth and expansion of a dot. com start up and the challenges that may be faced along the way. Business Phases The business at hand is a dot. om start up that involves renting apartments to students. Phase One (see example page 6) has five employees. The original organizational structure of the company had three Salespersons, one Accounting/ Billing person, and the owner. The owner handles all of the apartment maintenance, is an extra salesperson and performs any extra duties as needed. Organizational structure helps to define how Job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated, (Robbins, 2010). The Salespersons and the Accounting person are specialized into their departments but due to the small size of the company there may be some overlap in duties. Phase Two (see example page 6) has developed very quickly and without planning. The company is currently at 30 employees and has grown 500% over the last six months. This growth has required a more in depth look at each individual Job and has required more work specialization. Work specialization is the degree to which activities are subdivided into separate Jobs, (Robbins, 2010). A manager has been brought in to strengthen the chain of command and manage all the processes and employees to ensure each area is running smoothly. At this point, the small size is still manageable but the chain of command is not a hard and fast rule with the wner still very involved in the day to day aspects of the business. The owner still makes all of the decision regarding the business and is an example of a Centralized management style. Challenges of the business at this point can be no formal Job descriptions, Jobs getting lost in the shuffle due to business growth and the owner and manager trying to run the business at the same time. Phase Three (see example page 7) of the business becomes more involved in a variety of ways. Once a company grows to fifty employees, the majority of labor laws begin to apply. The next forecast for growth is for two hundred employees and is rojected for one year out. We begin to see a more de-centralized approach as operations of their departments and are responsible for carrying out the objectives set by the owner. Human Resources is formed to manage the legal employee aspects of a company this size as well as recruiting, new hire orientations, payroll and any type of employee relations issues. The Sales Department has the largest growth due to the fact that this department brings in the most revenue. As this department continues to grow, support staff will be needed to manage calendars, maintain files and any other as needed duties. Where the sales staff may have been creating their own documents when the company was smaller, they may now rely on administrative help to perform their general maintenance of documentation. As the company grows, an Information Technology Department will be needed to create a network for the business and ensure all employees have the technology they need. Sales representatives may require laptops as opposed to regular employees that can use a stand-alone personal computer. As growth continues, problems will occur which presents the need for a Help Desk department to correct computer roblems and help employees manage day to day technology challenges. As the company expands, so does the need for Maintenance. The Maintenance staff is responsible for cleaning and preparing an apartment to rent when an old renter moves out. They are also responsible for responding to any problems with the rental units. In addition to the rental units, some maintenance employees will be assigned to cleaning and maintaining the corporate building that houses the employees. Looking to the future, it is important to plan ahead to and create a formalized structure. The owner should create a mission statement and yearly goals to share ith the employee. Human Resources should have formal Job descriptions for each job title in the company. An appraisal process should be implemented and as the company grows, career paths should be created. There should be a formal employee orientation process with a well thought out socialization process. â€Å"The most important socialization stage is at the time of entry into the organization. This is the time to mold the employee into an employee in good standing†, (Robbins, 2010). If an employee is not socialized properly and allowed to flourish in their position, they may be frustrated, resign, or cause problems within the department. Each department should have their own formal policies and goals that tie into the corporate goals of the company. It is important to formalize all policies and procedures in an effort to protect the company from law-suits and employee ethics charges. Formalized policies will make it clear what the company stands for and how to enforce the rules and regulations. It will also be necessary to create an employee management process for employees that are not performing up to standard. A written policy will enable managers to follow-through with employee performance issues and not miss any steps that could create a liability for the company. Phase Four (see example page 8) of the Growth and Expansion plan is for two into specific roles and models. The division of labor is highly specialized and grouped into individual departments. Each individual department reports into their department manager creating a decentralized management process. Each manager then reports into the owner which is an example of a centralized management chain of command. The current set-up of each department utilizes a Bureaucratic organizational design style. Each department will have highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization, (Robbins, 2010). All of the company policies and rocedures should have been developed and enforced. As the company continues to grow, each individual department will need to be assessed to evaluate if the current reporting structures is effective. Rapid growth will require the additions of sub- categories such as assistant manager or supervisors that report to the individual department manager. Additional support Jobs may be needed and lor more specialized Jobs may be created as the business grows and changes. The company will need to learn to react to the changing external environment of the business which could require changes to the organizational design process or structure of the ompany. Conclusion Starting a business can happen from inspiration or simply a great idea as in the example for our study. There is much more to consider beyond the product itself. Organizational design and culture can make or break a company and be the determining factor as to whether your employees will stay and flourish or leave for a competitor.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
What Outline Essay Is - and What it Is Not
What Outline Essay Is - and What it Is Not Facts, Fiction and Outline Essay You can also see essay outlines. With essay outline, essays will stop writer to get off topic or jumping from 1 argument to some other argument that doesn't relate with what it is you're discussing. Generally speaking, the 5-paragraph essay is considered the regular essay writing task. It allows students who are just learning the ins and outs of writing an academic essay to understand the basic elements that are needed to create an effective paper. When it has to do with in-text citations and bibliography, they're used in any academic essay to defend the principal ideas. The same is applicable to top essay writers. Essays are able to look very dull sometimes. Making an essay isn't an easy job. Below is a good example of a 5-paragraph essay. There are lots of 5 paragraph essay topics you could select from. Even when you are finishing the essay the content ought to be related to the primary subject of the essay. There are a number of essay writing services that think they're the very best, and therefore don't be cheated and check the genuine list of the very best. Identify the subject of your essay You want a topic on which to compose an essay. Nearly every informative essay outline example indicates a typical format to compose an essay. When you start to compose your essay for a standardized test, you have to first decide what kind of essay you are being requested to write. If you wish to buy an expert essay as you don't feel prepared to write one yourself, have a look at our review section. Basically, the sections of an essay proved just 3 divisions. Finding key information necessary for the essay doesn't need to be a difficult undertaking. There are six basic kinds of five-paragraph academic papers. All teachers wish to see three or more credible sources in your paper. Increasingly, the world wide web represents a worldwide communication device and an international community of individuals. The increasing number of essay writing services is wholly overwhelming. When you opt for research about any topic you locate a high quantity and comprehensive data that's challenging to remember. The Outline Essay Game Lastly, the last portion of the introduction paragraph ought to be the thesis statement. No matter whether you would like to understand how to compose a three paragraph essay of 5 paragraph paper, an introduction stays the same. As per the majority of the essay outline template, introduction section also has thesis statement. The introduction has become the most important paragraph because it offers direction for the whole essay. The introductory paragraph should also have the thesis statement, a type of mini-outline for the essay. It includes a paraphrase of something said by a famous person in order to get the reader's attention. The conclusion provides the whole essay a sense of closure and completion. The thesis statement is usually only a single sentence and is composed of the subject, focus, and three chief points of the essay. A conclusion paragraph shouldn't introduce any new info. It should be the final paragraph in the paper. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Outline Essay Is Wrong Bear in mind there are distinct organizers based on the sort of essay you're handling. Possibly the ideal definition to describe what an essay is that it's a literary or written work by someone about a certain subject or argument. Alternatively, you must observe each new essay as a chance to explore the best method to write about a subject. Besides, don't forget that the secret to a prosperous argumentative essay is in finding good evidence to strengthen your opinion.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Learn the Pros and Cons of Ethanol and Its Production
Ethanol is simply another name for alcohol--the liquid made from the fermentation of sugars by yeasts. Ethanol is also called ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol and is abbreviated as EtOH. In the context of alternative fuels, the term refers to an alcohol-based fuel that is blended with gasoline to produce a fuel with a higher octane rating and fewer harmful emissions than unblended gasoline. The chemical formula for ethanol is CH3CH2OH. Essentially, ethanol is ethane with a hydrogen molecule replaced by a hydroxyl radical,--OH--which is bonded to a carbon atom. Ethanol Is Made from Grains or Other Plants No matter what it is used for, ethanol is produced by processing grains such as corn, barley, and wheat. The grain is first milled, then fermented with yeast in order to transform the grains starches into alcohol. A distillation process then increases the ethanol concentrations, such as when a liquor distiller refines whiskey or gin through a distilling process. In the process, waste grain is produced, which is usually sold as livestock feed. Another by-product, the carbon dioxide produced,  can be used in other industrial applications. Another form of ethanol, sometimes called bioethanol, can be made from many types of trees and grasses, although the fermentation and distilling process is more difficult. The United States produces close to 15 billion gallons of ethanol a year, mostly in states close to large-scale corn growing centers. The top producing states are, in order,  Iowa, Nebraska,  Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, South Dakota, Kansas, Wisconsin, Ohio and North Dakota. Iowa is by far the largest producer of ethanol, producing more than 4 billion gallons a year. Experiments are underway on the possibility of using sweet sourgum as a source of fuel ethanol, which can be grown with only about 22% of the irrigation water required for corn. This may make sourgum a viable choice for regions with water shortages. Blending Ethanol with Gasoline Blends of at least 85 percent ethanol are considered alternative fuels under the Energy Policy Act of 1992. E85, a blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline, is used in flexible fuel vehicles (FlexFuel), which are now offered by most major auto manufacturers. Flexible fuel vehicles can run on gasoline, E85, or any combination of the two. Blends with more ethanol, such as E95, are also premium alternative fuels. Blends with lower concentrations of ethanol, such as E10 (10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gasoline), are sometimes used to increase octane and improve emissions quality but are not considered alternative fuels. A good percentage of all gasoline sold now is E10, containing 10 percent ethanol. Environmental Effects A blended fuel like E85 produces less carbon dioxide, the single most important greenhouse gas responsible for climate change. In addition, fewer volatile organic compounds are emitted by E85. Ethanol is not without its environmental risks, however, because when burned in internal combustion engines, it produces significantly more formaldehyde and other compounds that can increase ground levels of ozone. Economic Benefits and Drawbacks Ethanol production supports farmers by offering subsidies to grow corn for ethanol, thereby creating domestic jobs. And because ethanol is produced domestically, from locally grown crops,  it reduces U.S. dependence on foreign oil and increases the nation’s energy independence On the flip side, growing corn and other plants for ethanol production requires a lot of farmland, monopolizing fertile soil which instead could be used to grow food that might feed the worlds hungry. Corn production is especially needy in terms of synthetic fertilizer and herbicide, and it frequently leads to nutrient and sediment pollution. According to some experts, the production of corn-based ethanol as an alternative fuel may end up requiring more energy than the fuel can generate, especially when counting the high energy costs of synthetic fertilizer production. The corn industry is a powerful lobby in the U.S., and critics argue that corn-growing subsidies are no longer aiding smaller family farms, but are now mostly of benefit to the corporate farming industry. They argue that these subsidies have outlived their usefulness and perhaps should be spent on efforts that more directly affect the public welfare. But in a world of dwindling fossil fuel supplies, ethanol is an important renewable alternative which most experts agree has virtues that outweigh its drawbacks.
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