Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Assisted Suicide And Euthanasia Is Not An Act Of Euthanasia
All Americans are guaranteed civil rights under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Competent, terminally ill patients should have the right to choose to end their life hence, putting an end to their suffering. For this reason, physician assisted suicide and euthanasia are compassionate responses to a terminally ill patient’s unbearable suffering. By definition, assisted suicide is when someone provides an individual with the information, guidance, and means to take his or her own life with the intention that they will be used for this purpose. When it is a doctor who helps another person to kill themselves it is called physician assisted suicide. Euthanasia is the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. (The key word here is intentional. If death is not intended, it is not an act of euthanasia) (Euthanasia.com, 2015) A terminally ill patient should not be forced to stay alive and continue to live in unbearable pain. While some will argue that all pain is manageable, to continue to live life in a drug induced state is not a life of quality. This is where a patient’s right to die or legally commit suicide on his or her own accord or with the assistance of a licensed physician, comes into play. The acts of suicide and assisted suicide are not criminalized. Suicide in itself is a tragic, individual act however; the act of euthanasia is about letting one person, a facilitator for lack of terms, cause theShow MoreRelatedThe Act Of Euthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide2744 Words  | 11 PagesThe Act of Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide The argument can be made that euthanasia is a form of murder; which killing any human by murder is not ethical, but this can be combated. What about an individual’s autonomy? What about an individual who is terminally ill and who wishes to die the way that they want to die; a peaceful death surrounded by their loved ones in their home without pain and suffering. It is only ethical to respect their autonomy and morally permissible to then allowRead MoreEuthanasia Is A Medical Act Of A Physician Or Any Other Person?1016 Words  | 5 PagesEuthanasia is defined as the act of a physician or any other person intentionally killing a person by the administration of drugs, at that person’s voluntary and competent request. It is a ‘mercy killing’ which means to take a deliberate action aimed at ending a life to relieve intractable suffering or persisted pain. (Emanuel et al) Euthanasia could also be interpreted as the practice of ending a life painlessly. Euthanasia is technical description of the act regarding the process that is usuallyRead MoreThe Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Released1181 Words  | 5 PagesDisease Control and Prevention released a suicide report in 2015 stating that in The United States, suicide is the 10th leading cause of deaths. As many as 44,193 individuals have died per year, which means there is about 123 suicide deaths a day happening as of now in The United States (â€Å"Suicide Statistics†). This is only the statistics of deaths that have been successful in The United States, it is not counting all suicide deaths around the world nor suicide attempts. This alone is already a majorRead More Essay on Euthanasia and Doctor-Assisted Suicide1175 Words  | 5 PagesUnderstanding Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide  This paper will address some of the more popular points of interest involved with the euthanasia-assisted suicide discussion. There are less than a dozen questions which would come to mind in the case of the average individual who has a mild interest in this debate, and the following essay presents information which would satisfy that individuals curiosity on these points of common interest.  Euthanasia and assisted suicide are legal in theRead MoreEuthanasia and Assisted Suicide1645 Words  | 7 PagesEuthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are actions at the core of what it means to be human - the moral and ethical actions that make us who we are, or who we ought to be. Euthanasia, a subject known in the twenty-first century, is subject to many discussions about ethical permissibility, which date back to as far as ancient Greece and Rome. It was not until the Hippocratic School removed the practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide from medical practice. Euthanasia in itself raises manyRead MoreShould Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Be Legalized?825 Words  | 4 PagesSanejo Leonard Should Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide be Legalized? Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide should become legal in the United States and all US territories. Though Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide are not the same and are separate acts, they both serve the same purpose, which is to follow the desire of a person with terminal illness to end their life without legal consequences. This same right should extend to family members and guardians of people unable to act for themselves. The currentRead MoreThe Debate About Euthanasia And Euthanasia1631 Words  | 7 PagesThe debates about euthanasia date all the way back to the 12th century. During this time, Christian values increased the public’s opinion against euthanasia. The church taught its followers that euthanasia not only injured individual people and their communities, but also violated God’s authority over life. This idea spread far and wide throughout the public until the 18th century when the renaissance and reformation writers attacked the church and its teachings. Howe ver, the public did not pay muchRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legalized?1536 Words  | 7 PagesLegalizing Murder â€Å"Euthanasia, also [known as] mercy killing, [is the] practice of ending another’s life with the aim of enabling the person to avoid severe suffering, typically from a terminal illness†(â€Å"Euthanasia†). Furthermore, a study conducted in Washington State revealed that most of the participants who requested euthanasia had the diagnosis of cancer, neurological disease, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (Back et al. 919). This study also uncovered that â€Å"the patient concerns mostRead More Euthanasia Essay1459 Words  | 6 Pages When a person commits an act of euthanasia, he/she brings about the death of another person because he/she believes that the latter’s present existence is so bad that he/she would be better off dead. The word euthanasia originated from the Greek language: eu means â€Å"good†and thanatos means â€Å"death†. The meaning of euthanasia is â€Å"the intentional termination of life by another at the explicit request of the person who dies†(Religious Tolerance). However, euthanasia has many different meanings,Read MoreThe Ethical Dilemmas Of Euthanasia Essay1638 Words  | 7 PagesThe Ethical Dilemmas of Euthanasia in Canada with the Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide This systematic analysis of the professional literature will explore the ethical dilemmas that Canadian medical professionals face while considering euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide, the latter of which was made legal in Canada on June 17, 2016 (Chochinov and Frazee, 2016). This paper will discusses the conflicts that healthcare professionals are faced with when looking at the quality of life
Monday, December 16, 2019
Basic Economic Question Free Essays
Through market research and analysis it has been found out that there are several economic choices that every firm must face. This is in line with the core objective of the firm which basically entails producing standardized product to meet the customers demand and making profits for the firm. Research from surveys and focus groups have indicated that our investment bank needs to develop a product which best suits the clients establishing good consumer behaviour and meeting the impacts of government policies. We will write a custom essay sample on Basic Economic Question or any similar topic only for you Order Now No longer are banks interested in their own interest of making profits but what is of fundamental concern is whether the customer is satisfied. Our investment bank is not an exceptional one. We need to address the issues of developing a product that will make the bank outstand despite its rivals in the market. Development of product Economic choices imply that the forces of demand and supply need to be put into consideration when choosing a particular product for the firm. The central question therefore that I considered in developing this product was the ease at which the customers will learn on the use and the reliability of the product when it’s introduced into the market. As an investment bank, a structured deposit is one of the products which is fundamental in the bank. This is because they allow customers to attain higher yields and also be able to take market risks upto a certain degree will be set by the bank. The bank through this product will be able to meet the needs and expectations of the consumers and the management team of the bank too. The product is introduced into the market just like any other products which have been introduced before. The customer is taken into an orientation so that he gets to learn that this product involves saving just like any other saving accounts. They will be informed that this service provides more services beyond the traditional savings such as mutual funds. Reasons for choosing this product One of the reasons why a structured deposit would be important in our investment bank is that it provides cash to the customer ant time he needs it. The customer does not need to wait upto a certain maturity date or pay a penalty for withdrawal of the money in his account. Another important issue which is fundamental is that through this product the bank can get more profits by soliciting so much money at a specific time so that it can invest at a go and get maximum returns. The customer will also benefit in that incase he requires some loan, then he will be granted since the pool from the other investors in this type of fund will have contributed. Another major reason that is important is that a structured deposit is a very good method of investment of ones money. An individual who has an account with a structured fund will find it easier in the future to get his money in a lumpsum amount. This therefore is a good investment solution to an individual. Conclusion For our bank to achieve the demands of the product there is need for awareness to be created to customers so that they can be in apposition to get the products and benefit from it. Reference: California Institute of Technology (2008, February 16). Insights on Economic Choices and challenges facing banks, an article pp. 35-56. Products of investment banks Retrieved on 8th April 2009 from http://www. citibank. ro/romania/corporate. Sample memo for business executives retrieved on 8th April 2009 from http//www. purdue. edu/owl/resource How to cite Basic Economic Question, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Interpreting Accounting For Decision Making â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Interpreting Accounting For Decision Making? Answer: Introducation Net profit ratio is a ratio which shows net profit as a percentage of sales. It shows dollar net income earned by the organization from the operating revenue of the organization. In the present case organization is having increasing net profits as well as increasing revenue but in year 2016 company is having declining net profit ratio hence company should focus towards increasing profit ratio. Efficiency ratio: Days inventory ratio Year 2014 2015 2016 Days inventory ratio 58.59 56.18 57.57 Days inventory ratio shows the days till when companys inventory remains with company and will not sale by company. This ratio should be remaining at higher level because it shows fast movement of inventory. In the present case in 2015 this ratio decline but in 2016 this ratio increase. Company should maintain performance regarding ratios as per year 2016. Return on investment ratio Year 2014 2015 2016 Return on invested capital 30.79% 35.86% 31.02% Return on investment ratio shows that profits of company in the ratio of the total internal or external invested capital of the company (Collier, 2015). Higher ratio satisfies investors and increase growth rate of company, lower ratio declines growth of company. In the present case ratio increase in year 2015 but decreased in year 2016. In coming years company should try to maintain level achieved by company in 2015. Financial leverage: Debt equity ratio Year 2014 2015 2016 Debt equity ratio .39 .40 .54 Debt equity ratio shows the debt funding in the total assets of the organization in comparison of the equity funding. Higher ratio presents that company increasing debt and declining equity. Debt is good for company because it does not maketing interference in the internal operations of the organization. However it may create problem and may take the organization on the path of liquidation for non-payment of dues (Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso, 2015). Hence it is recommended to the company reduce debt capitalization and stop making yearly increase in debt capitalization. References Collier, P. (2015). Accounting for managers: Interpreting accounting information for decision making. John Wiley Sons. Weygandt, J., Kimmel, P., Kieso, D. (2015). Financial Managerial Accounting. John Wiley Sons
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