Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Feasibility of Raw Mango Peelings Essay Example
The Feasibility of Raw Mango Peelings Paper Mango peelings notation acids like Gaelic acid, caffeine acid and lactic acid which scientifically, these acids are known to be producing electricity. This study will involve literature search on the composition of raw mango peelings explicitly on the acid content in determining its competency to produce electrical charges and processing the extract from the peelings to distinguish the voltage required for a motor-generated device. Introduction problems is the peels Of the mango (Magnifier indict L. ) fruit. Several methods have been proposed In order to combat this. Perhaps the most popular of these is the simplest: turning peelings into electricity. Mango is processed to a maximum extent, thereby producing high quality of solid and liquid wastes. This contributes about 40 to 50% of total fruit waste out of which, 5 to is pulp waste and 15 to 20% is kernel (Anonymous, 2004; Modular et al. , 1993; et al. , 2000; Pander et al. , 2000). This waste is either used as cattle feed or dumped in pen areas, where it adds to environmental pollution. Mango peel is difficult to decompose, as it takes a very long time, because of its complex composition. The presence of high amount of educing sugars in dried and fresh mango peel prompted the researchers to make an attempt to utilize it as a raw material for electrical energy production and development of a cheap medium. As far as the researchers know, this is the first report of its kind on electrical energy production from mango peelings. There is a need for environmentally sustainable energy sources to find a viable and long-term substitute for electric power distributors. As a first step, the researchers plan to figure out how to solve rising electric bills using discarded agro-wastes such as mango peelings, specifically the raw ones. We will write a custom essay sample on The Feasibility of Raw Mango Peelings specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Feasibility of Raw Mango Peelings specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Feasibility of Raw Mango Peelings specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Moreover, the purpose of this study is to lessen agro-wastes that can harm the environment and at the same time, save money by using an alternative source of electrical energy. Problem statement Littering has been a very serious problem facing our environmental waste facilities for the last decade. By some estimations, our dumps are, on average, 30% above capacity -?an unsanitary, unsafe, and unwise position for our city to be in. Several methods have been proposed in order to combat this. Perhaps the most popular of these is the simplest: turning peelings into electricity. Fruit peelings have been seen scattered around the community nowadays. With people thinking that those particular peelings are biodegradable by nature, they tend to just throw their waste any. Veer they can dump it into. Instead of plunking them, why not make something out of it? Mango (Magnifier indict l. ) peelings are very abundant in tropical countries, namely the Philippines. It is also known that mangoes contain acids that are good conductors of electricity. And as an alternative to the fresh mango peelings, the researchers will use raw ones as an alternative. Considering that electricity bills are growing by the second, people are forced to work harder for money, not to burn, but to earn. So as a proposed solution, the researchers plan to convert nothing into something. The problem Of not having enough space to compost these particular wastes is dangerous. It may cost a persons life, or worse, the planets life itself if not treated immediately. It takes a minimum of two human years for a single peel to compost, but a second for one to throw away. Research Question/Hypothesis Extract from the raw mango peelings can produce enough electricity to run a tutor-generated device. Extract from the raw mango peelings that undergo different processes (extracting, fermenting, distillation) will produce different amounts of electrical energy. The specific objectives of this study are: To investigate the mango peelings to produce electricity after its extract has been Obtained after a series Of processes; To critically assess bulky Waste operations by local authorities, including volumes/types of materials arising and current disposal/recovery routes; To make recommendations to improve he operational effectiveness of, and to maximize recovery opportunities of bulky waste collection. Specific Aims The specific aims of this study are: To produce electricity without using known commercial power sources in running a motor-generated device; To extract the acidic juice from the peelings and using the solutions extracts for the production Of electricity. TO lessen the wastes produced by the agricultural industries.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Skill Builder #10-2 Example
Skill Builder #10 Skill Builder #10 Skill Builder Skill Builder William Sagner 2. William Sagner is 44, is my coworker, smokes in my presence, he does notunderstand my health situation and the impact his smoking has on my breathing and feelings3. The possible reaction to the situation is a resistance to my concerns due to the lack of a no smoking signs at our workplace and there are no designated positions for smoking. 4. I will explain my health situation to Sagner that makes me breathless when the air is not fresh is affected by smoke as a measure of overcoming his resistance so that he understands me well5. BCF statementI have a problem when you come to my workstation while smoking. Cigarettes smoke makes me nauseous and causes breathing difficulty making me irritated and uncomfortable while you are smoking. Application Describing a conflict in terms of behavior, consequences, and feelings has enabled me to learn that it is important to maintain ownership of the problem, ensuring that we are in agreement of the con flict, and being in a position to agree on a change without affecting relationships (Lussier & Achua, 2004). The other lesson is that there is a need to have skills in requesting a person to aid in problem solving aiding in the reduction of conflict and defensiveness increasing the possibility of reaching an amicable solution. In a BCF statement not making judgments on a person’s behavior, not blaming another party for a wrong, and not threatening the other party of consequences improve conflict resolution are the other lessons from the exercise (Lussier & Achua, 2004). I will use this knowledge in future in presenting conflicts to people under different circumstances in a manner that reduces their defensiveness and augments the chances of conflict resolution. The knowledge will also enable me to understand the benefit of owning up a problem in a conflict situation and will guide me in requesting for assistance in solving a problem in a clear and concise manner without affec ting relationships negatively (Lussier & Achua, 2004). ReferenceLussier, R. N., & Achua, C. F. (2004). Leadership: Theory, application, skill development. Mason, Ohio?: Thomson/South-Western.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The DWT Freelance Writing Course Re-Opens Today
The DWT Freelance Writing Course Re-Opens Today The DWT Freelance Writing Course Re-Opens Today The DWT Freelance Writing Course Re-Opens Today By Daniel Scocco Today we are re-opening the doors of the DWT Freelance Writing Course. It runs for six weeks (this being the first one), covering a wide range of topics related to freelance writing and making money on the Internet. Over 1000 students took the course in previous editions, and the feedback we receive is always very positive. There are many students who started generating a side income right away, and even some who managed to become full time freelance writers. Below youll find the link where you can enroll: -> Heres a list of the modules youll go through (the modules are released weekly to avoid information overload): 1. Writing Productivity: If you want to make a living writing youll need to learn how to write efficiently and prolifically. This module gives you the tricks of the trade. 2. Building an Online Presence: If you want to freelance on the Internet, you’ll need to develop your online presence - setting up a website, learning how to promote it, and so on. 3. Writing for the Web: This module explains why the Web is different from other media (such as books or print magazines) and how you can adapt to the differences to produce top-notch work. 4. Finding Clients: A key aspect of making money with freelance writing is being able to find clients, and this module will help you with that. 5. Running a Writing Business: Running a business is tough, and this module aims to give you the tools and tactics you need to run yours efficiently. 6. Social Media: On the last module of the course youll learn how to leverage social networks like Facebook and Twitter to network with other freelancers and to find new clients. Enrollment will close this Friday, November 9, so you have only 72 hours to join. (The small registration window is to make sure students will follow the course at the same pace, since we have a private forum where they can ask questions and interact with other members.) Visit the official page to join, where you’ll find all the details (e.g., course structure, price, bonuses). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Religious Terms You Should KnowCapitalization Rules for the Names of GamesEducational vs. Educative
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Economics Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Economics Management - Assignment Example Fishback defines government policies as the set of rules and laws that the government puts and have a direct or indirect impact on the way people conduct business within a country. The government puts laws in place to inhibit or to encourage certain business strategies within the business market. However, it is wise to note that government policies are a double edged sword and may have either negative or positive impact on the economic development in a country. While some regulations may benefit a country, others may work against its development strategy. For instance, in the US, the government launched a deregulation procedure in the early 1990s as a strategy to open up business development.This was after the government realized that strict regulation of the business market culminated to unprofitability in the business sector. Therefore, the government should be analytical while implementing laws to ensure that they create a healthy business environment. In a dynamic business market , it has become the challenge for the government to choose the best approach to regulate business.To promote economic development within a country, the government should design laws to regulate competition within the market.Laws should ensure that the every investor has a fair chance to start the business and compete with its rivals. This helps to prevent monopolistic competition that may impact negatively on the economy of a country. Monopolistic competition results to unfair competition, which benefits only a few investors.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Physiology of Swimming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Physiology of Swimming - Essay Example Japanese people had a big swim crave. In the Pacific area, swimming was taught to children at a very young age. So young that the minute they could walk they were put in to water to swim. Swimming was and still is a big part of training to boxers for fights. The important reason why humans can swim without falling to the bottom is because of surface area. If a regular sheet of paper and a crumpled one are dropped from a height at the same time, the one which is crumpled falls faster than the one that is regular. This is because of the surface area - the surface area of the sheet of paper is larger than the crumpled one, which makes it fall slower. The same concept applies to humans and water. Humans have a large surface area to their mass. This is why humans can stay afloat and swim. The more the surface area, the more water there is directly underneath the person swimming. The water underneath tends to keep the body up. (Lupton, 1923, 68) This is the same concept why huge aircraft carriers on the sea can stay afloat, even though they are very heavy and are a lot denser than the water. These ships and aircraft carriers are also very huge, and their size gives them a lot of surface area for the water to push them up. The Front crawl is generally considered the fastest swimming style. It is also known as Freestyle. It has been observed that most amateur swimmers utilize this stroke in freestyle competitions. The preliminary pose for the front crawl style in swimming is on the breast, with both arms extended out in frontage and both legs stretched to the backside. Then while one arm is dragging/ approaching while the other arm is in the posture of recovering. The arm strokes offer most of the frontward movement, whereas the leg kicking in a quivering movement only offers some. The stroke utilizes the flutter kick and an above the water arm recovery .in this position, the hand draws down the pretending middle line of the body, seizes the water, and thrusts it back towards the feet. The most useful force is producing during the last segment of the stroke that is called the finish. The face remains in the water while the water levels at about the swimmer's hairline. The flutter kick initiates from the hip. A calm ankle and foot are essential to have a successful kick. The knees curve lightly, but curving them in extensive frequency will guide to over kicking as well as to fatigue. The swimmer is supposed to respire by gently sloping the head to the direction as the equation of arm on the breathing side becomes one-half to three- quarters of the channel through the stroke. The breathing should not disrupt the stroke. A breathe, during this exercise, should be taken every two three, or even four strokes to make certain ample oxygen delivery. The Front Crawl is one of the extensively used strokes in the United States, and is frequently the choice for fitness swimmers. Elementary Backstroke The Elementary Backstroke is supposed a quiescent stroke since it has a glide point and is a small energy stroke. The revitalization phase is completed under the water. The kick which is carried out in this respect is the Whip kick. The
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Women Entrepreneurship in India Essay Example for Free
Women Entrepreneurship in India Essay Women are generally perceived as home makers with little to do with economy or commerce. But this picture is changing. In Modern India, more and more women are taking up entrepreneurial activity especially in medium and small scale enterprises. Even as women are receiving education, they face the prospect of unemployment. In this background, self employment is regarded as a cure to generate income . The Planning commission as well as the Indian government recognizes the need for women to be part of the mainstream of economic development. Women entrepreneurship is seen as an effective strategy to solve the problems of rural and urban poverty. Traditionally, women in India have been generally found in low productive sectors such as agriculture and household activities. Human Development Report 2004 ranks India 103 in Gender related Development Index (GDI). As per 2001 census; women constitute nearly half of India’s population. Out of this total, 72% were engaged in agriculture, 21. 7% in other non agricultural pursuits with only 6. % in household industries. Women entrepreneurs in India are handicapped in the matter of organizing and running businesses on account of their generally low levels of skills and for want of support system. The transition from homemaker to sophisticated business woman is not that easy. But the trend is changing. Women across India are showing an interest to be economically independent. Women are coming forth to the business arena with ideas to start small and medium enterprises. They are willing to be inspired by role models- the experience of other women in the business arena. The role of women entrepreneurs is especially relevant in the situation of large scale unemployment that the country faces. The modern large scale industry cannot absorb much of labour as it is capital intensive. The small scale industry plays an important role absorbing around 80% of the employment. The myth that women cannot engage in productive employment needs to be dispelled. They can be encouraged to set up small and medium scale industries on their own initiative. Entrepreneurship development for women is an important factor in economic development of India. Rural women can be encouraged to start cottage industries. Rural based micro enterprises have been encouraged by the government by various schemes-such as Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP), Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM), and Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA). The aim is to remove poverty through entrepreneurial programs. An ILO report on women entrepreneurship identifies the following problems faced by women entrepreneurs. 1. Lack of family support- Sometimes the family may make the women feel guilty of neglecting household duties in her pursuit of business obligations. Cultural traditions may hold back a woman from venturing into her own business. 2. Lack of capital-traditional sources of finance like banks are reluctant to lend to women entrepreneurs especially if they do not have any male or family backing. This is especially true of lower income females. Women do not have adequate finance or legal knowledge to start an enterprise. 3. Lack of confidence and faith-lack of role models undermines the self confidence of women entrepreneurs. The activity of selling is considered abhorrent to the female gender. 4. Lack of right public/ private institutions: Most public and private incentives are misused and do not reach the woman unless s he is backed by a man. Also many trade associations like ministries, chambers of commerce do not cater to women expecting women’s organizations to do the necessary thing. The government must evolve appropriate policies to help women entrepreneurs. Networking facilities must be provided as well as adequate entrepreneurship awareness training should be provided using the help of local NGOs. Credit facilities must be made available and marketing help must be provided. All these will help foster a culture of entrepreneurship among women in India.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Animal Experimentation Essay -- Ethics, Animal Cruelty, Chimpanzees
Two months ago I went to see the film â€Å"Rise of the Planet of Apes†at the theater. This film was about chimpanzees that were exposed to animal research to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. Consequently, one of the chimpanzees tested with the Alzheimer’s cure developed an enhanced genetic intelligence that lead to the freedom of the other captive chimpanzees. Although this film was a science fiction movie, during the film, there were scenes that depicted cruelty towards chimpanzees. These scenes made me concerned about how inhumane people are towards research chimpanzees. Even with a sense of ethic, I believe animals should deserve respect and consideration. However, there were some scenes during that movie that also made me think about how animals such as chimpanzees were an essential part of human lives. Chimpanzees in the film were experimented on to find a cure for people with Alzheimer’s disease. This demonstrated that chimpanzees themselves su ffered to promote the welfare of humans. This exemplary movie leads to the question, Should animal experimentation be permitted? This question introduces to the controversy of two arguments whether animal experimentation should be permitted or not. In addition to this question, researcher Jerod M. Loeb, from the article, â€Å"Human vs. Animal Rights: In Defense of Animal Research,†concerns about animals, but cannot hinder to improve medicine or other advance for the welfare of humans. On the other hand, philosopher Tom Reagan, contributing to the book, â€Å"Ill-Gotten Gains,†is against animal experimentation. He argues that conducting experimentation on animals â€Å"exacts the grave moral price of failing to show proper respect for animals’ inherit value, whatever the benefits for the research... ...ntists against the cruelty of animals, often refers to an optimistic step to the advance in scientific knowledge preventing future diseases in humans and animals as well. It is time to put out this grief more than anything to some important subject revolving around the world, â€Å"animal experimentation.†Many might dispute; others might concur to the same idea. In the end, I respect both beliefs; both Loeb and Reagan make powerful arguments to support their beliefs. However, Loeb’s dynamic belief has self-motivated me to believe that animal experimentation should be attempted and should not be hindered. Throughout this journey of disagreements of both sides, animal experimentation has once again demonstrated that can be capable to develop new medicine for the welfare of humans, benefit animals as well, and advance in scientific knowledge to prevent future diseases.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Necessities for the party Essay
Cannery Row takes place in a small area that has sardine fisheries and is located in Monterey, California. The city Monterey is also known as Cannery Row. The novel Cannery Row is mainly about the people living in Cannery Row during the Great Depression and the affects of over-fishing which was one of the great biological disasters that wiped out the sardine harvest and focuses on Doc who is a dear friend of Steinbeck, the author of the novel. Because of Doc’s kindness and support, Mack and the boys want to do give a surprise party for Doc. Doc is an owner of a biological supply house on the Row. Doc is a friend and caregiver to everyone. However, he suffers from loneliness. Mack and the boys plan to give Doc a party and they are full of energy and good spirits as they obtain the necessities for the party. Mack and the boys prepare the party in Doc’s lab one night while he is gone on a trip to collect items for his lab. However, the boys start the party premature while they wait for him to return. Unfortunately, when Doc comes back late from his trip, his lab is totally trashed. After this incidence there was a bad sense of emotion that spread throughout the Row and lasted for a long time. It wasn’t long after the party that an influenza plague spread throughout Cannery Row and several other regrettable events occurred; however, later in the novel there was a turn around from all the bad events and the town began to heal. Again, Doc does something wonderful for Mack and the boys by curing their sick puppy. When Doc cured the puppy, Mack and the boys decided again to do something wonderful for Doc. They decided to throw Doc another party. However, this time Doc got a change to attend the party. The boys made sure to carefully plan the party well. The party was a success and after the party, the story ends with Doc feeling great about life. During the Depression, an influenza epidemic hits the small Cannery Row community. Doc through his concern for people even though he is not a real doctor, but a scientist, treats many of the poor people and influences Dora, a woman who manages a whorehouse and her whores to become nurses to families that are in need of help. Dora runs a whorehouse but she attempts to be â€Å"moral†by not selling hard liquor and by servicing her clients with a reasonable price and rate for the whores and she is very congenial to those who helped her during the Depression. For the people who survived the Depression, Mack was one of the leaders and a mentor to many of them who were in the same condition as he was having no family, no money, and no goals in life except for continually trying to find a way to get food to survive. Sometimes Mack had to steal or lie to get help for himself and the people. Mack has some guilt about lying, stealing and being deceitful but usually when he is doing these â€Å"sins†he is doing it for a good purpose and usually he is able to plead his case when doing these actions because he is doing it for the common good. Hazel, who lives with Mack and the boys, is a very loyal person. The way he influences others is by being a good communicator. He listens to people effectively and remembers everything that was told to him. The theme of the novel is more focused on the community itself and the results of individual behavior within the community because the environment is the main focus of the story. The environment is to a great extent dealing with the violence. In the first chapters, two people have already committed suicide. In addition, there are several other acts of aggression that occur when the Chinaman has an encounter with the little boys. The hidden cruelty in the narrative reveals the imperfection and evil nature of human beings. However, in order to generate the greater good in people, there is a need for violence to be balanced which is described in chapter two. Within the marine community, the problem with over fishing of sardines required a balance just as a balance is needed within the human community regarding violence and moral behavior due to not having enough food supply. Due to the over fishing problem, a lack of fish resulted in the local people not having enough food which they relied on for nutrition and survival. Within the marine community if there is not a balance of fish within the ocean, this result in an imbalanced production of various types of fish within the ocean resulting in the overproduction of some fish and the under production of certain other fish according to the food chain of sea creatures. In many cases, certain fish will become extinct due to a problem with over fishing. Over-fishing is really a main problem in the novel for the characters. Back in the post-depression, this really affected the people of Cannery County due to very low level success of reproduction of sardines. Fish is one of the main resources of the ocean and the ocean must stay balanced with the right amount of fish in order to have a healthy ecosystem. Over fishing destroys the ocean’s ecosystem. However, there is no limitation to how much a person should fish because there is no ownership of the ocean’s resources. Therefore, the more people continue fishing; it results in a lower production of fish. This is what the author is trying to convey as he uses Cannery Row’s sardine fishery as an example. In regards to the human community, Cannery Row is disturbed by known and unknown instances of violence and cruelty. In the novel, Doc finds a dead girl on the beach. Because of the depression, many people gave up and a retarded boy is sent to an institution for stealing a gift for a person he loves. The war only did so much for the people on the Cannery Row to end the Depression. Establishing a whorehouse, stealing, lying are all ways chosen by various people residing in Cannery Row to survive in a world with little resources during the Depression. The characters in Cannery Row show strength, courage, sadness and even happy moments even though they suffer through a Depression. In spite of everything, they still manage to throw parties in the mist of their â€Å"storm. †Doc was the main character who had the most character and integrity in spite of his own depression and loneliness. However, at the end, Doc looks at life in a whole new fashion and a new hope is created for in him after celebrating his party with Mack and the gang. Within the marine community, if the ecosystem is not completely destroyed, the ocean can be replenished and the balance restored within the ocean. Like so, within the human community, because the people came together and learned to survive against the odds, their community was also moving toward restoration. In conclusion, Cannery Row is a story about the over-fishing problem in Monterey, California. The story speaks about how it affected the ocean’s ecosystem and the people. It also shows the sadness and happiness of the people in that small community during the Depression and how the characters will come together to survive. However, they use stealing as a means to survive as well as working at a whorehouse, lying and various other dishonest means to survive during the Great Depression. Most of the characters were very good people just happened to be victims of a point in time of economic breakdown. John Steinbeck’s novel is scientifically and emotionally outstanding in the way he explicitly describe the terror in the community and the survival tactics used by the characters during the Depression. Works Cited Steinbeck, John. Cannery Row. New York: The Viking Press, 1945
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Nursing Expertise Self-Report Scale Essay
I think that it is important to understand where you are in your nursing practice. After completing the Nursing Expertise Self-Report Scale, I realize that I still have a lot more experience to gain as a nurse. I believe that nurses must be life-long learners to stay current in the ever-changing field of healthcare. I have only been a nurse for two years. Before beginning the test, I thought that with my few years of experience, I would be a novice nurse. However, I am a competent nurse. According to Arnold and Boggs (2011) the competent nurse â€Å"views the clinical picture from a broader perspective and is more confident about his or her role in health care†(p. 127). I have been organized and able to manage my time successfully. I feel that I can consciously make decisions without direct supervision. I can assess the patient and look at all the variables before proceeding with care. I can think more long term now than I did in the beginning. I feel that in order to improve my communication skills in the healthcare setting, I have to continue to think more long-term. I need to stop being so task-oriented and start looking at the patient as a whole. Instead of doing something just because it’s ordered, I need to be diligent and make sure it is appropriate for my patient’s specific condition. I realize how important it is to be able to communicate with the physicians. We are with the patients much more than they are, and we are their eyes and ears. I feel that it is also vital to have good communication with the patients and their families. They depend on us to be honest in all that we do. When the patient trusts us, they will be more open with us. My facility does bedside shift report. I think this is important because it gives the oncoming nurse the chance to understand what the patient is going to need for the next 12 hours. It also gives the patient the opportunity to become involved in their care. As nurses, we are always communicating so it is important to make sure that we do it correctly and efficiently. References Arnold, E., & Boggs, K. U. (2011). Interpersonal Relationships: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses (6th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Russia and the CIS essays
Russia and the CIS essays When the Soviet Union fell in 1991, due to many pressures both internal and external, the ex-soviet satellites were given their independence, much to Russia's dismay. A new trend towards sovereignty made it difficult for the largest country in the world to deny it's former members the right to separate. However, even with the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Russia is still heavily involved with the matters of its former soviet members. This then leaves the question, are those former states truly sovereign? In the following pages we will examine the many reasons as to why this question is currently being posed. Firstly, we will look at Russia's history on the international scene and how they have not really changed their agenda throughout the last century, up into the present. Along with the brief history, we shall elaborate on the reasons why the CIS was founded. Furthermore, modern day Russia seems to feel the need to impose itself upon these new sovereign states for various reasons that we will elaborate upon. Lastly, the members of the CIS see Russia as both a friend and foe to the organisation, which will be shown by looking at their interests and why they have divided views. However, to fully understand the complexities that are the Russian Empire, let us take a step back in time to when Peter the Great was building a country of grandeur. In the early 18th century, Peter the Great continued the expansion set forth by his predecessors, and fought a long war against the seasoned Swedish army. With the final defeat of their army, Peter gained control of several small countries, Latvia, Lithuania, Ingria and Estonia. Upon his return from the war the Russian senate voted that he bear the title of the Great and Emperor, his acceptance of the last title marked the official inauguration of the Russian Empire. Peter the Great continued to fight wars in hopes of expanding Russia's borders and its economy...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Quotes From the Movie Scrooge
Quotes From the Movie Scrooge Nothing can be more entertaining on Christmas Eve than a light musical comedy. Scrooge, a 1970 movie adapted from Charles Dickenss famous novel, A Christmas Carol, is fun and entertaining. The 1843 novel is a now well-known redemption tale of the wicked Ebenezer Scrooge. On Christmas Eve, Scrooge is visited by spirits, including his former business partner Jacob Marley, and the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Yet to Come. In the 1970 movie adaptation, Albert Finney, who plays the role of Scrooge, steals the show with his scintillating performance. Here is a story being retold in a colorful ensemble. You cannot help asking for more. Read these Scrooge quotes and savor the finest moments of the movie. Ebenezer Scrooge As for you, nephew, if you were in my will, Id disinherit you! Go, and redeem some other promising young creature, but leave me to keep Christmas in my own way. [to Bob Cratchit] Well, my friend, Im not going to beat around the bush. Im simply not going to stand this sort of thing any longer. Which leaves me no choice, but to raise your salary. Fifteen shillings a week, a wife and five children...and he still talks of a Merry Christmas! How shall I ever understand this world? There is nothing on which it is so hard as poverty, and yet, there is nothing it condemns with such severity as the pursuit of wealth. The Ghost of Jacob Marley Hello, Ebenezer. Ive been waiting here for you; I heard you were coming down, today. Thought Id be here to greet you; show you to your new office... no one else wanted to. See the phantoms filling the sky around you. They astound you, I can tell, these inhabitants of hell. Poor wretches whom the hand of heaven ignores. Beware, beware, beware, lest their dreadful fate be yours! The Ghost of Christmas Present There is never enough time to do or say all the things that we would wish. The thing is to try to do as much as you can in the time that you have. Remember Scrooge, time is short, and suddenly, youre not here anymore. Tom Harry, Ive visited you every Christmas for the past five years, and to this day I can never understand this extraordinary ritual of toasting the health of your old uncle Ebenezer. I mean, everyone knows hes the most miserable old skinflint that ever walked Gods earth. Mr. Jorkin [about Scrooge and Marley] In short, gentlemen, if you want to save the fair name of the company by accepting their generous offer, they become the company!​ Tiny Tim God bless us, every one! The Spirit of Christmas Present Come in! Come in, and know me better, man!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Cognitive Psychology response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cognitive Psychology response - Essay Example The memory can also be triggered at anytime. Recovered memories are memories, which have been perceived to be irretrievable for a certain amount of time. False memories are when a person has recollection of a memory that never occurred. Research supports repressed memories, except there is debate whether this only occurs in trauma cases. There have also been cases in hypnotherapy where false memories have been implanted into a person’s memory, however there is no scientific evidence to support this. 2)Explain in detail the Atkinson-Shiffrin model of memory. It is sometimes referred to as the multimode of memory. It consists of sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory. Sensory memory can only be held for a few seconds. If processed, it moves to short term memory where it lasts for approximately one minute and through rehearsal can be converted to long term memory which lasts indefinitely. 3)Define the term "reasoning" and explain the two basic forms of reasoning, giving examples for each. Reasoning is by process of thinking, an idea can form from another idea. Cognitive- instrumental reasoning involves the basis of the scientific method in that through observation, we are able to reason correlations and form hypotheses. Moral-practical reasoning is where you take into account the moral implications of making a decision based on faith, values system, culture, etc. 4)Describe the effect of learning to speak two languages on the process of language development. Include any age-related differences that are discussed in the text.  Chomsky called this the language acquisition device in that at younger ages, children are much more cognitively developing than older children. They are constantly assimilating everything from their environment and integrating it into their memory. The idea behind the syntax and grammar of language requires multiple cognitive patterns and memory storage. Thus, children that are learning multiple languages ar e forming new connections and using more parts of their brain, which can allow them to succeed in other areas. 5)What would be the pros and cons to the idea of administering intelligence tests to all students? The pros to giving intelligence tests to students are that it allows schools to see how they are teaching and whether the teaching is effective. It also allows for standardization, meaning that students are put into classes which allow them to learn on a level of development that they are at. The cons to intelligence tests is that it locks students into an idea of what level of intelligence they are at. This can have serious consequences not only at the academic level, but also with self-esteem and interpersonal relations. 6)Based on memory research describe and give examples of at least four of the memory concepts a person could utilize to become a better student. Repetition- the least effective, but multiple rehersal can help assimilation. Categorization- otherwise done with chunking, it allows students to store multiple pieces of information together Association- by making assocations with the knowledge and memory, it increases the ability to retrieve the information (most effective) Elaboration- by elaborating more on the topic, you learn more about the topic and
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